i FINALLY got my hands on a copy of ROC(lost mine) and installed both it and the expansion. on my way home i started compiling a map that i thought would kick such ass. read my map idea and tell me how u think of it
I think ill call it prison break.
2 teams,
6(+,-) guards
6(+,-) prisoners
guards-prevent the prisoners from escaping
-the game is set in rounds.
-each round the prisoners try to escape by....
a. reaching one of 5(or more/less) dig sites and digging a way out(takes time, at the end of each round, dig sites move to random other places in the prison. mostly along walls though. digging takes time)
b. obtaining a set of keys(2 ways: stun the warden(current player with most captures) steal from wardens office) and then escaping using them on gates...the gates stay open untill either the warden shuts it with his keys or alternativly a guard gets the keys from the wardens office or catching a prisoner who already has them
c. using dynamite on the gates and rushing through(have to collect 3 parts for this, they can be found int: cafeteria, bathroom, and storehouse, all relativly close to eachother. arming takes a short ammount of time)
-each round the guards try to capture the prisoners by knocking their health down to 0 hp. they also have a gear cabinet they can use points earned the round before to buy...
a. nets(stops prisoner movement for x ammount of seconds)
b. tasers(increases damage dealt by guard)
c. security camera(can be placed anywhere, can be destroyed though.)
-prisoners can buy goods too...
a. drugs(increases movment speed and evasion(surprisingly))
b. digging supplies(from simple to advanced, better the supplies, faster digs)
c. disguise(by standing still, you blend in with other prisoners...but if the guards use a security camera they will pick u out)
d. nets(like the guards, except with lower hold time(guards have knives people)
c. knife(expensive, but really good for fighting guards...but dont attack by yourself!)
at the end of each round, escapes are added up and decreased fron the guard prestige. escapees earn extra cash for the next round, guads that capture a prisoner recieve a bonus of extra cash. everyone receives a small sum of cash at the end of every round as well. for every escappe, (depending on the game) 2, 5, or 10 points are taken of the guard prestige for every escapee from a 80(starting value). for every prisoner stopped, the guards gain 2 points. if the guards hold a point value over 70 for 5 rounds strait, they win. if the escapees get the value to reach 0, they lose.
I think ill call it prison break.
2 teams,
6(+,-) guards
6(+,-) prisoners
guards-prevent the prisoners from escaping
-the game is set in rounds.
-each round the prisoners try to escape by....
a. reaching one of 5(or more/less) dig sites and digging a way out(takes time, at the end of each round, dig sites move to random other places in the prison. mostly along walls though. digging takes time)
b. obtaining a set of keys(2 ways: stun the warden(current player with most captures) steal from wardens office) and then escaping using them on gates...the gates stay open untill either the warden shuts it with his keys or alternativly a guard gets the keys from the wardens office or catching a prisoner who already has them
c. using dynamite on the gates and rushing through(have to collect 3 parts for this, they can be found int: cafeteria, bathroom, and storehouse, all relativly close to eachother. arming takes a short ammount of time)
-each round the guards try to capture the prisoners by knocking their health down to 0 hp. they also have a gear cabinet they can use points earned the round before to buy...
a. nets(stops prisoner movement for x ammount of seconds)
b. tasers(increases damage dealt by guard)
c. security camera(can be placed anywhere, can be destroyed though.)
-prisoners can buy goods too...
a. drugs(increases movment speed and evasion(surprisingly))
b. digging supplies(from simple to advanced, better the supplies, faster digs)
c. disguise(by standing still, you blend in with other prisoners...but if the guards use a security camera they will pick u out)
d. nets(like the guards, except with lower hold time(guards have knives people)
c. knife(expensive, but really good for fighting guards...but dont attack by yourself!)
at the end of each round, escapes are added up and decreased fron the guard prestige. escapees earn extra cash for the next round, guads that capture a prisoner recieve a bonus of extra cash. everyone receives a small sum of cash at the end of every round as well. for every escappe, (depending on the game) 2, 5, or 10 points are taken of the guard prestige for every escapee from a 80(starting value). for every prisoner stopped, the guards gain 2 points. if the guards hold a point value over 70 for 5 rounds strait, they win. if the escapees get the value to reach 0, they lose.