Personally. I like the game. It's been sitting on my shelf since I got the Wii and Twilight Princess :ninja: but I quickly unlocked much of the license board (read: power leveling). I think I'm still a bit of an "old school" fan enjoying the fifth installment, but this twelfth installment is turning out to be fun. I'm not even halfway through the game, and I've already unlocked all Quickenings on all characters and many of the augmentations.
Let me put it this way for all you out there Plan your moves on the License Board carefully. You want to "selectively" specify roles to each character and rotate them in and out to keep levels comperable.
I just beat it. It was to easy. Very sad. :-( Of course I still have to go through and finish my hunts and such. I killled the final boss easily, with no espers/quickenings.
I'm not thrilled about this game not being turn-based, but then again, I only got up to the part at the very beginning where the black haired dude is all "I know we invaded you and took over, but c'mon, I'll be a good leader..."
I hear it gets MUCH better...too bad my Ps2 broke I gotta get another one to play <<
well....its good and all.but i got used to the turn based was much nicer to battle like that cause you can see the characters more easily.and i agree with b.bone.ff8 still rocks!!
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