so i have to do that 100 times if i want to have 100 guns in there?
also if i drop the gun that way, then it won't reset the limit?
here is what i have:
Integers that are arrays, i made 2, they are 12 slots big
DuelWeapon (not used here, used only if you have a pistol, but may not be needed)
Trigger Name: Pick Up A Gun
-Unit - A unit Acquires an item
- Item being manipulated = to item 1
- Item being manipulated = to item 2
- Item being manipulated = to item 3
- Item being manipulated = to item 4
-If Then Do else do (multi)
-accuire weapon[(player number of (trigging player)))] equal to 0
-Then - actions
-Set accuire weapon[(player number of (trigging player)))] = 2
-else - actions
-Hero - drop (item being manipulated0 from 9hero manipulation item)
-Game - diplay to (player group( owner of (triggering unit)))) then text: Only One GUN!
named: player drop gun
- Unit - A unit loses an item
- Item being manipulated = to item 1
- Item being manipulated = to item 2
- Item being manipulated = to item 3
- Item being manipulated = to item 4
- IF then do else do
-if -conditions
-accuireweapon(player number of9triggering player))) equal to 2
- then - actions
-set accuireweapon[((player number of (triggering player)))] = 0
-else - actions
- do nothing
So this works, until you pick up a gun, then you try to pick up another, and you drop the gun, but then you can pick up another gun and do it all over again, so in fact it doesn't really work.