What is your favorite race and why? I'd have to say mine is Toss probably because of the shields, Dark Archon (being able to mind control), and also because of the great units it has.
I have no favorite race, I go random always. I used to use Zerg for important games, but I just got bored with playing really good players with Zerg only.
Either is my favorite. It depends on how you play with them, the more you play with a certain race and win, that way you would build up your skills and confidence.
I know, i'm not being racist or anything. But the amount of Asians that go around saying AZN Pride is increasing. Renzokuken is right. We dont go around screaming American Pride! Starcraft has plenty of AZN clans. An unless your Asian you can't join most of them. And i think thats racist.
Enough of this pride stuff. I know this is defeating what i'm saying but don't you hate it when people change the subject? So now just get back to favorite races.
They are definently not all balanced. Terran has little advantage in High Money maps unless you are EX TREMELY skilled. Whereas a newb could do pretty good on a money map if they play for at least 3 months.
Terran and toss are the easyist to learn and master zerg takes osme time but i think are the best on non money maps but on money id have to say my 15 staright wins with terran are pretty impressive and i blow through everything so concluding this i couldnt do the same with toss and zerg cause there not as ballanced
Terran is the easiest to learn and the hardest to master. Zerg is the hardest to learn. Toss is a middle thing, their play style isn't that hard to learn but it isn't easy to get good at any race.
Good way to put it aka but Zerg isn't necessarily hardest to learn well maybe all of em are easy to learn basically so I guess zergs a bit harder then toss but terran yeh hardest to master because you need all the stuff because zerg and toss own any race lol.
Zerg requires a totally different playing style. To play zerg u need to expand a lot more than terran and toss, u need more timing and u also need macro skills. Terran is easy to learn because u will understand what the units do the moment u see them, and their playing style is mostly "make the right units and use them correctly", but the fact that they require so much micro makes them hard to master. Toss is mostly macro.
They are balanced, but u still have to play them differently. Zerg, for an examlpe, has to expand more to get enough money to pump units, but on the other hand their hatcheries cost less and they can defend the expos more easilly due to the mobility of their units.
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