I'll post mine w/where to find them in the Sound Manager in WE in case you want to hear them:
Creeps (Units/Creeps)
(Banshee Ranger) DarkRangerPissed4.wav - I went on a job interview the other day and they were like oooh, whats that smell, and I was like, oh sorry, it's me, and they said they didn't think I would fit in with the other employessers since, ya know, they're living and I'm dead, and I wouldn't be a team player, then I said I could work 24 hours and they said aaaal right, you can work the graveyard shift.
(Beastmaster) OgreBeastMasterPissed2.wav - Where I lay my head is home..see that rock? That's my pillow.
(EarthPandareanBrewmaster) PandarenBrewmasterEarthPissed3.wav - My dad, he was-a bi-polar
(FirePandareanBrewmaster) PandarenBrewmasterFirePissed1.wav - I'd kiss you, but I've got puke breath
I've got more, but I'm too busy.