And you also miss those days when mana burn was 100/200/300 and meta was like teh ulimate ULTIMATE!N_Ledgend) said:DH, evasion, manaburn, and metamorphosis, its just damn perfect.
the breaker likes his dogs also )))Shaggy.2Dope said:Farseer. cuz he likes dogs
you're right about mana burn, but metamorphosis never got patched/altered in anyways :SHellwolf_36 said:Orc: Tauren Chieftan
Undead: DK
Human: Paladin
Night Elf: Demon Hunter/KOTG
Neutrals: Pit Lord/Tinker
Enough said. I like those in you face heroes that can take a beating.
And you also miss those days when mana burn was 100/200/300 and meta was like teh ulimate ULTIMATE!