Anyone know a good fast tech building order?
Awfully slow tech.Originally posted by noob_phucker
3 gold, 1 wood, 1 alter
que 4 peons, first to burrow, second to gold, other 2 to wood.
make a blademaster and send peon to gold.
make a war mill and a voodoo lounge. harrass with bm (buy boots of speed first and the crown thingy)
make a tower
make another burrow and another tower.
make 2 beastieries and pump out wyvs. good luck.
Do you understand how much of a difference in speed the 110 lumber needed for a tower and shop BEFORE the teching begins makes? This 110 lumber not only takes a while for Orc to get early game, but it is also causing you to be gathering with 2 less Peons (War Mill/Tower, and Shop). Do not build any lumber costing buildings other than the initial Altar and Burrow before beginning to tech. It makes a significant difference in your unit-production speed.Originally posted by CitricAcid13
That actually is a pretty fast tech, it will be done in under 6 minutes. Watch all the replays for the top orc players, they all do that noob_phucker. They harrass with bm or fs or do stuff while creeping and distract the opponent while he's teching in background. Then he has two heroes and wyverns shoved down his throat.
6 min is awfully big time in war3, and sry noob_phucker, that was really slow tech =/ Use far seer (mentioned by Torubu) and dont make tower... real fast tech would be teching jus as hero comes out, but its risky and dangerous. (making barracks and burrows while teching...)Originally posted by CitricAcid13
That actually is a pretty fast tech, it will be done in under 6 minutes. Watch all the replays for the top orc players, they all do that noob_phucker. They harrass with bm or fs or do stuff while creeping and distract the opponent while he's teching in background. Then he has two heroes and wyverns shoved down his throat.