Fallen animation


Ready Yourself
Apr 11, 2009
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In the stars

Hah! Right there! Did you see the Fallen's dagger go right through its staff? Watch again! Bashiok has had to deal with some strife as a Battle.net forum member morphed into a troll and demanded answers. Bashiok replied:

Bashiok said:
Hahah, well that just earns you a ban for so many reasons ... but I’ll still address it. Why? I don’t know, it’s still a valid observation. And the outrage made me giggle.

So yeah, you can see that clipping issue pretty well on the model close up. The shaman was given a dagger fairly recently. From my old avatar you can see the previous model (sans dagger). The dagger was added, along with some slight model tweaks and re-texturing, to give the shaman a bit more of an edge (pah dum chhhh!). Toughen him up a little. The clipping, obviously something we try to avoid at all times when animating and building the item sets and models, in this case is practically unnoticeable at game-cam distance.

We’re not building models, textures, and environments for these types of close up shots. In these updates we grit our teeth and bear it, because it’s cool for you guys to be able to see this stuff.

In closing, I’m more than willing to provide reasoning and discuss observations, just don’t be a jerk about it.
Wait, what?
Bashiok said:
...practically unnoticeable at game-cam distance.
Sounds like you are stuck with quasi-ethereal staffs guys!


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