i look at faces of meth videos once in a wihle to remind me how happy i am that i quit that shit. its a good reminder of what i got away from.
- they are pale because when you do meth, you become enclosed in your home/where your doing it at, not touching daylight.
-the scabs and whatnot are from picking. when on meth you can easily get "stuck" doing something, be it watching out a window for cops, playing a videogame, drawing, cleaning, or...picking at an itch or a pimple... ive never met anyone thats done this though :S ive seen pictures of a girl who was on meth and started plucking her eyebrows and putting makeup on...she had 1 eyebrow so bad that there was -no- hair, just a red sore spot where she plukked off the first few layers of skin