why does it matter how god happend? he's there and thats all that matters.
And with that, TBS singlehandedly rocked the world of science by
daring to challenge its conventions: by
daring to say, "Look, Science, I don't need your wimpy hard evidence. Dig this: I don't
need to tell you why I'm right, I just
And BTW, TBS, STOP using your ****ing BUZZWORDS like you know what the **** you're saying.
Metaphysics: philosophy behind questions that science can't answer
"so you all dont beleive in metaphysics"
EQUALS: so you all don't believe in things that can't be answered by science
WITHOUT DOUBLE NEGATIVE: so you all believe in things that can be answered by science
Cause and effect: The Big Bang, the "effect", created time and "the beginning." "It would make no sense to ask what happened before the beginning or after the end, because such times would not be defined."
Chaos theory:
EXTREAMLY relevant to the Big Bang (as an actual event) and evolution, among other things. "so you all dont beleive in..." implies you acknowledge chaos theory. And BTW, the next time you mention chaos theory and say 'I'm not sure, but...", be sure to clarify that 'I'm not sure' equates to 'I don't know what the **** I'm saying; I just know chaos=messy.'