Originally posted by freestyler
U know what gets me annoyed! with what 'Banthedoc' said, how scientists have faith in bloody evolution, and how it's just a theory! Well, I'll tell ya, u need a lot more faith to solely trust and beleive in Evolution than u do in creation! And another thing, if it's only a theory, and not a religion (as it seems to be these days) how can anyone justify 'brainwashing' young school kids that it's true, when they cant even bloody understand it in any depth at all!? It's one of the most complecated theories on the planet! One more thing, if u ever did bioligy in Hschool, STRAIGHT AWAY with a little thought, u just CANT believe that evolution is true. The body is SO complex and unimagineably amazing! just one point. The human body at it's present state, would not be able to function properly with any part missing, so how can u explain the point in time when humans were still developing livers? or ears?, or mouths? or hmmmmm rectums? lol