Ok, so we tried EVERYTHIN to figure out why the hell our other method wont work anymore. Apparently blizz DID patch it...I talked to some friends and a guy that has a cousin there, and the last dupe we posted was patched within hours. Im sorry to anyone (mostly newbs who cant spell) that came in late and thought it was "ALL LIES KEKEK". The last dupe wasnt a lie, it was just patched fast....much like im afraid this one will be, so dupe ASAP everyone.
I do people favors and make dupes public, then they get patched and I get bitched at. I dont want any msges about how im so dumb and all that shit, just use this dupe and if it gets patched in 3 hours then it aint my fault.
To the dupe: I worked off the old method we posted a few days ago....this time it works the same but with less results. Meaning, you can get c/I a lot now....however it doesnt always rollback like before.
This new dupe method requires the following:
+ 4 people
+ D2hackit and meph stone module
+ Follow Module for d2hackit
+ Items to dupe
You can get the modules, d2hackit and all the other plugins you need from here:
Here is another mirror that has meph module:
http://www.gaming-gods.com/files/Diablo 2/D2HackIt/Modules/msd.zip
Ok, so first thing....install d2hackit and the meph stone module. Player , B and C go into act 1. Player A gives D the items to dupe....then D stands in act1 for a while (ill get back to that later).
Player A goes to act4, uses the meph stone module on cain to get 40 stones. The trick here is to get 20 stones to player C without letting them hit the ground ir without making C use the module also.
So, player A goes into trade with player C...and if the meph module is on and working, you should be able to put 20 meph stones up on the trade window. I have seen this done....it works. This is the most patchable part of this dupe....but as of right now it works.
Now, players A and C should each have 20 stones in thier inv. Player B now stands near the wp in act1. Player A is set to follow player B, then goes and talks to gheed in act1. player C is set to follow player B also, and then talks to akara in act1. Player B clicks the wp, BUT DOESNT CHOOSE A WP TO GO TO YET!!!
Before player B goes into any wp in act3 (it has to be a wp out of town. dont go to the town wp in act3.I found that the spider forest in act3 was best for this) So player B needs to get ready to click spider forest (while still in act1) and player D leaves. As soon as player D leaves player B clicks the wp in act3.
Now....if it was done right as soon as player B enters act3, and as soon as players A and C leave the trade screen with gheed/akara, the server should send a c/I.
Like I said, this doesnt give a c/I as often as the last dupe did, and it doesnt rollback as much. We have tried this 43 times, and it has given a c/I 29 times and rolled back 13 times. It isnt the BEST dupe,. but it works right?
Enjoy this, and hopefully more people can use this so I dont get hate mail :S