Do you even realize who tax cuts help the most? Big Business may gain from it, but common citizens gain so much more. Small Businesses are able to open up as the "rich" we scrutinize so much are finally able to afford it. What we worry about so much with taxes, and thereby elections, are the so-called "rich" -- or middle-class and up citizens.
It may be beneficial for a business to back a presidential candidate, but it's not so much as to say that they determine an election. What you people most forget is that the truely rich, as in Warbuck and such names, are completely invisible to taxes thanks to the fact that stocks and bonds are "under the radar". Those can't be taxed as long as they remain in stocks and bonds.
It's amazing how you people rave about how unfair it is that the latest tax cuts were incremental when it taxes don't even affect the rich. What you should be worried about is if the presidential candidate does not level off (note: I did not say reduce or increase) the taxes as to make it fair for both business and people to prosper and grow and the government to pay for what is necessary.
We, unfortunately, look far too much at wether or not a presidential candidate is going to spend more, and quite frivilously, on welfare, medicare, social security and other such things. Adding to those often win elections rather than proper tax relief and spending.