hello everyone,
First of all, I want to say, that this thread is in any way not supposed to be "competition" (if that term applies to something as simple as this) to snarg's "Shut Up 2.0"!
I have sat down and slapped this source together in around 10-15 Minutes and believe it handles squelching players ALOT easier. The main point of critizism is that I don't like the fact, you need to actually tell the program in an .ini file how many accounts you've added for squelching.
Well, enough blabbering, maybe someone can learn from the source, too
Here is the source:
Also, you can check out my files section (*promote*) if you're interested in a few usefull things, here
First of all, I want to say, that this thread is in any way not supposed to be "competition" (if that term applies to something as simple as this) to snarg's "Shut Up 2.0"!
I have sat down and slapped this source together in around 10-15 Minutes and believe it handles squelching players ALOT easier. The main point of critizism is that I don't like the fact, you need to actually tell the program in an .ini file how many accounts you've added for squelching.
Well, enough blabbering, maybe someone can learn from the source, too
Here is the source:
Here are the instructions:$msgbox = MsgBox(4, "EasySquelch", "Do you want to start the script?" & @lf & @lf & "Maximize Diablo II and in a channel press ''ctrl-alt-s'' to start squelching!")
If $msgbox = 7 Then Exit
HotKeySet("^!s", "Squelch")
while 1
sleep (60000)
Func Squelch()
AutoitSetOption ("SendKeydelay", 0)
local $delay
local $filename
local $squelch
local $list
$delay = IniRead (@scriptdir & "\config.ini", "settings", "delay" & $delay, "100")
$filename = IniRead (@scriptdir & "\config.ini", "settings", "filename", "Squelch.txt")
FileOpen ($filename, 0)
$list = FileReadLine ($filename)
$squelch = StringSplit($list, ";")
for $a = 1 to $squelch[0]
send ("/squelch *" & $squelch[$a])
sleep ($delay)
send ("{ENTER}")
sleep ($delay)
Sleep (500)
$msgbox = MsgBox(0, "EasySquelch", "All accounts listed in ''" & $filename & "'' have been squelched successfully." & @lf & @lf & "Script written by netter. Visit us at!")
Here is a link to the compiled version of the file:Here are the instructions:
1) Add as many accounts as you want seperated by a ";" in a .txt file.
2) Add the delay and the name of your .txt file in the config.
3) Run the program and press ''ctrl-alt-s'' in a Diablo II channel to start squelching.
Also, you can check out my files section (*promote*) if you're interested in a few usefull things, here