Duped Items Permed N Poofed


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Jan 23, 2007
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Hi i have been duping for some times and i realized if the original items are mixed with the duped of the original items, one set of the items will disappear.
For example:
I have an original grand charm. I duped it and got grand charm#2. When i put grand charm and grand charm#2 on the same mule and permed the mule, then i enter the same mule to a new game, the mule has 1 grand charm left. 1 disappeared.

Has anyone confirmed that when duped items are mixed with original items, then one set of the item will disappear?

If that is the case, how did people dupe so many sojs?
Let's say if Player has 100 sojs total. He must have duped 4 times. each time with 20 sojs. Player will have 5 mules keeping 20 sojs on each one.
he has 50 original sojs and duped that to get 100 sojs. He will have 2 mules keeping 50 on each.

Is this assumption correct?
Has anyone mixed items before in a certain way so items dont disappear?
If there is a specual rule for mixing items please post here. Thank you


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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The way it was explained to me, if two items with the same ID are in a game on the same server, the first person to leave the game will lose the items even if they temp perm them. As far as I know, it applies to items on the same character as well. Your best bet would just be to store them on different mules, never enter games at the same time with those mules, and make sure you temp perm before you leave.

Or just not dupe.


Premium Respected Member
Jan 28, 2006
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you gotta perm or if u wanna dupe permd rune words u dupe them with 1 rune missing then u dupe that rune and add it in and u them permed

Ultimate Empire

BattleForums Addict
May 18, 2003
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When SOJs were duped WAY back (<1.08) when they either a) did not have item IDs/they weren't checked or b) had unpatched perming methods, which are now patched.


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Jan 23, 2007
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So my plan is to dupe sojs to look for anni's.
Anyone know the best way to do this?

lets assume i have 5 sojs right now.
If i dupe i get 5 on mule1, 5 on mule2
if i dupe both mules, i get 5 on mule1, 5 on mule2, 5 on mule3, 5 on mule4.

How can i get to 40+ sojs and put them all on 1 mule?


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
in my experience with dupes, ive never heard of this situation unless you didnt temp-perm your mules.

i have TONS of highrunes that i havnt personally duped, but i can gaurentee they ARE unpermed dupes...just temp perming them works fine.

and as for the dupes i have tampered with, the same rule aplpies, just make sure you go into trade screen before leaving game whenever your on a character with dupes and you should be set...

also id like proof you can dupe.


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Jan 23, 2007
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@ Dragnskull
Trade Screen temp perm does perm the items. However, I found out that when duped item is mixed with the same item, then it poof even if u perm them.
Again, for example:
Player#1 carries soj. Player#2 in game with soj#2. When soj and soj#2 are put together on the same mule, even with trade screen perm, it will disappear the next time that mule joins a game. Even if u immediately make a game or you wait for 1 week, the sojs will poof whenever the mule joins a game after duped game.
PS: This idea is the samething ThievesPBergeron talked about.

This is why I am wondering how other people get tons of sojs on their mules. I currently collected about 20+ sojs by trading items for them. I am trying to fill up 1 mule full of sojs. But the problem is that i can't mix duped sojs. They have to be on separate mules.
Does anyone know a way out so you can put them together on 1 mule?

I just thought an idea that might work:
If i dupe unid unique rings. Then i found the ones that id to be sojs. Then maybe i can id the unique rings that will turn out to be soj and put them together and they won't disappear?

Couple questions about dupe:
1. When you dupe unid unique ring#1 then u get unid unique ring#2. Is it true that if ring#1 is soj, then ring#2 will be soj?

2. If Player#1 is duped, you get Player#2. Then if you dupe Player#2, then you get Player#2(#2), in this case call it Player#3. If you mix Player#3 with Player#1, items will poof correct?


Nov 11, 2002
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Shaze for an answer to your first question, yes. The game generates or choose the item when it's dropped from a monster. This don't apply to magical & rare items, as this kind of items has it's own prefix & suffix files to choose from. The stats on your uniq item may vary though.

Another fact you should notice is that not all items are allowed to drop more then once, if the game chose to drop you a second item, it would "turn into" a rare item with rare stats on it. :)

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