Ok so... i was in the trade box with a friend and was giving him treks, frostburns, enigma and 2 bk rings. i pressed send and he had no room~~ but he had enough room to hold treks and frosty's which he got, but i still had treks and frosty's in my inventory. We esc the box and we both had the treks and frosty's. i had the real things and he had copies. he couldnt pik up or move them, he also try'd to repair them and a box came up saying "I could not complete that Request" -- its just like when u try to sell a wirts leg and the box pops up saying "cannot sell here" ....... also when he tried to sell the copies diablo would freeze for about 2 minutes but u could still see ppl talking and switch weapons wit 'w' ,, you just couldnt click on anything or Esc. VeRRRRy Were'd ~~ We tried for about 1.5 hours trying to figure out a way to move the copies but couldnt. If u left the game and joined back the items would *poof* or if we tried to trade again. Anyone Know Anything About This??? ~Pls let me know :nooob