First of all, think about it, do you deserve a dupe if you havent worked for it? No, not really. Think about this, have the majority of people that would use the dupe ever TRY to figure out the dupe for themselves? Probally not. Now think about the stages of what happens when theres a dupe.
1.) Some people have the dupe and are getting legit unided items for there ub3r bugg3d it3ms.
2.) More people have the dupe and not so many people getting fücked over.
3.) People start making trojaned version of the dupe so that after everyone gets banned, they still have some accounts.
4.) People download these trojaned dupes and non-trojaned, more duping happens.
5.) Masive ammounts of dupes across the net, no more item worths.
6.) 112k accounts get deleted.
7.) People cry about there accounts getting deleted, then say they ""never used the dupe, it was someone else."".
8.) Dupe method patched. Alot of ""rich"" people with now worthless items. The people that didnt get banned, loose there accounts because they got trojaned versions. Everyone cry's for items, while getting ""Cdkey is in use by XXXXXXXX"" because they had trojaned dupes.
9.) ""Hackers"" released better items to stores making your duped items even more worthless.
Common people, is this all really worth it? Dont let a public dupe come out. If there is, it should have the link changed. If you are thinking of making a dupe public, keep it to yourself, open a website, and make some money. L8az.
1.) Some people have the dupe and are getting legit unided items for there ub3r bugg3d it3ms.
2.) More people have the dupe and not so many people getting fücked over.
3.) People start making trojaned version of the dupe so that after everyone gets banned, they still have some accounts.
4.) People download these trojaned dupes and non-trojaned, more duping happens.
5.) Masive ammounts of dupes across the net, no more item worths.
6.) 112k accounts get deleted.
7.) People cry about there accounts getting deleted, then say they ""never used the dupe, it was someone else."".
8.) Dupe method patched. Alot of ""rich"" people with now worthless items. The people that didnt get banned, loose there accounts because they got trojaned versions. Everyone cry's for items, while getting ""Cdkey is in use by XXXXXXXX"" because they had trojaned dupes.
9.) ""Hackers"" released better items to stores making your duped items even more worthless.
Common people, is this all really worth it? Dont let a public dupe come out. If there is, it should have the link changed. If you are thinking of making a dupe public, keep it to yourself, open a website, and make some money. L8az.