Because I have heared numerous people talk about this Diablo II dupe seller I would like to take some time to remind you not to buy from him. The seller owns a Diablo 2 webpage known as Like many of us I was curious to know about this supposed dupe program being sold by him off of ebay. So I went to IM him with a request for a demo. Then a familiar name popped up on the IM screen, "Podeway3". This is the notorious scammer who has been selling off of ebay for months. Do not purchase his dupe program, it is absolute bull. Several months ago I spent $75 on his supposed dupe program and found that it was just an old previous version of dupeswap. A lesson well learned NEVER BUY DUPE PROGRAMS OFF WEBSITES OR EBAY. So be warned and I urge you not to purchase from him, unless of course you want to lose money.