About mousepad having trojans; that is true, I went to the site from a school computer and just for going to the site, they tryed to trojan me, but the school's godly firewall caught them. I already talked about Mewgood with Starfish when he was still around here a lot (and I guess I dont know if he is or not I am just about to take up the game again and havent been here for months) So, they are trojaned since I last checked. But to your question about the drop mod, that will work in single player for 1.10 although it is only a 1.09 mod. You will need D2 HackIt! to run it, although I do not know if you should find the 1.09 version of D2HackIt! or the 1.10 version.My only suggestion is not to try to run it on closed BNet because you WILL get kicked/banned. I hope that helps you out.