Hey peoples this is the recruiting time of Dragon Eternity and the clan is a basic way for members to get stronger and help the other clan members. the goal of the clan is naturally to be the strongest so if u think u might make it then pm me and hope but if u are going to then find a way to speak with me and we will find out how good u really are. Us west and closed are the clans spots and any noobz who apply are signing up for a brutal A$$ wooping till they quit their account. My aol screen name is redsparrow2 and look for that account name on west and closed.
Attention- There are ranks and another goal of a clan member is to reach Grand Dragon. Also if u make grand Dragon rank, if u are crap when ruleing, the eternal dragons can have u kicked out.(just somthin to remember)
Attention- There are ranks and another goal of a clan member is to reach Grand Dragon. Also if u make grand Dragon rank, if u are crap when ruleing, the eternal dragons can have u kicked out.(just somthin to remember)