Retired Staff
Dragns bowzon Guide
i know ive been out of the D2 loop for a while, so ill introduce myself
im Dragn, i have played diabloII and diabloII: LOD for well into 6 years now, ive been a dueler for nearly all that time, and my favorite character has been, yes, the amazon.
i havnt played diablo in months, and doubt ill ever have the urge to play again like i used to [until D3 comes out, god willing] so im going to share exactly how i built my zon.
me and a good friend of mine [Cota-God] dueled together for a long time, and we both perfected our own zons, well today im going to share some of the secrets to mine.
i have tried making just about every zon you can think of, trying the best stat combinations, skill combinations, and gear, and what im about to share is what ive discovered to be the best. Me and Cota-God were probably two of the best [if not the two best period] zons in USEast. The following was my build:
Note: This is not cheap gear for the most part, and i dont have many second options, so try your best to get everything i list.
1. Stats:
Strength: you want to try and get as LITTLE strength as possible, ive always had to put a bit into it, but never put anymore than you absolutely need. make sure that you have all your gears +str stats calculated in.
Dex: this is where me and cota differed, i prefered higher dex than life, he prefered higher life than dex. its all because of the bows we prefered. Every extra point goes in here.
Life: lee always liked more than me, as i leveled my character, i woudl watch how much total life she had, once she hit the 2k mark (including BO), i would put less into it [maybe 2:1 or 3:1 dex life ratio. Get 2k life, then decide how much you want, personally i dont think i ever went above 2.5k life w/ bo on
mana: if u put 1 point in here, ill personally slap you.
there was no set stats i had in my zons, every one i made was a bit different, but they all had the same idea, 2.x life, and the rest dex.
2. Skills
obviously, you will mix match ur skills as you level, not maxing one out before the other, but pumping up one until your next skill becomes available [ie putting into crit strike until you can start maxing out Guided arrow]
(base skills)
Guided arrow - Max
Multiple shot - 1 (i believe its a pre-request anyways)
Dodge - Max (second dodging skill to max)
Avoid - Max (first dodging skill to max)
Evade - Max (last skill to max period, have 1 into it until the rest of your skills are finished, or you cant put anymore points into skills listed due to lvl restraints)
Crit strike - 16
Penetrate - 1 (yes i know its rarely ever needed, but it helps with the multishot, besides, youll have alot of skills left over if your a high leveler)
Pierce - 1 (once again, helps with multi sometimes, especially in PVM)
3. Gear
ive tried multile types of gear, and this is what i decided was the best combination i could ever find.
Helm: Shako (40ed/15ias socket): yes i know, shako? wtf? well the +skills, mana, life, and +stats are effin godly. face it, and trust me.
Amulet: Cats eye: the IAS is godly. nuff said.
Armor: Dusk shroud Fort : the ED and resistance are a must. dusk is best because its a fast armor with nice defense, try and get a 500+ def dusk to make it out of
Bow: Faith Mat bow (15/2/3/330+) weak damage i know, but your faster, lee liked Grand mart, but i prefered mat, i deal less damage but i hit alot faster. i did want to try a grand matr bow before, and if you can keep the 7fps and find a way of not putting more str into your character to wear it, then by all means, get the GM faith, but i loved the Faith mat, it looked cooler to me too.
Rings: 2x 220+/20 ravens, the AR isnt really needed since ur using GA, but its nice to have
the 20 dex is a MUST
**Belt: Nosf's coil: IAS and slowed target, cant ask for much more
** ill have to edit my post after i check, but if im not mistaken with the guide i have here, you can have 7fps without nosf, so use Dungos instead. if you dont h ave 7fps with dungos, then use nofs [when u wear kiras its a good idea to switch to nofs to keep your FPS]
Gloves: Rare/crafted 20ias, +dex, +str, fire/cold res or bust| you can get some cheap ones without resistance and str, but i was wealthy, so i always strived for the best
Boots:15/15 treks (eth are beautiful), if your rich as hell and on USEast, Sspurs/gspurs/slips, or gore riders. they all do wonderfully, choose what you like most. my first zon used eth 14/15 treks and they were very good, second ladder season i used gores cause i could never find P eth treks, the gores were great imo, i loved the stats on them, but you can use what youw ant
Shield: Sigons shield (shael socket) +1 and with shael, GREAT blocking.
Weapon2: CTA flail, 6 bo is the most important aspect, but i had a P CTA so
Inventory: this is goign to be strange to alot of people, and i did this because i was too cheap [even though i had tons of wealth] to buy what i wanted, but i found a great counterpart, so i will put the charm section into 3 sections:
method 1: im cheap as hell
-1x Zon torch, stats dont matter, im cheap as hell
-1x anni, Stats dont matter, im cheap as hell
-5-9 passive GC's, plain, im cheap as hell
-0-4 bow GC's, plain, im cheap as hell
-10x SC's with res/dex/str, best i can get, but im cheap as hell
Method 2: Dragns setup:
-1x Zon torch, Perfect 20/20
-1x anni, 20stats, 1 off from P resistance [Perfect anni wouldnt hurt though
-5x Passive GC's, as many with +life, +str, +dex, or +fire/cold res as you can get [i forget how many of each i had, but i wore no plain Skillers]
-4x Bow skillers, as many with +life, +str, +dex, or +fire/cold res as you can get
-10x SC's: these were constantly being upgraded for me, as many 3/20/20's [or bust] as you can get, 20 life 5 res, 5fhr 5 res, or high psn damage will be fine
method 3: What Dragn Wanted:
-1x P zon torch
-1x P anni
-full inventory of 3/20/20's
sadly i never made this come true, i could never find a good deal and just didnt want to pay out the ass for 3/20/20's on ladder, though i could have afforded it, if im not mistaken i didnt do it because it woudl have broke my bank pretty badly.
4. stashed gear
-Um'd perfect Kiras: this, along with absorb of the elemnt your fighting, basically made people cry when they fought you. i could even tank fire sorces for about 4 shots normally [not including the 4 or so they had to throw between those succesfull shots because of my dodging]
-Verdungos: sometimes the Damage reduction helped, if im not mistaken i adjusted my gear a bit and was still hitting 7fps without my nosf coil, so i started using dungos instead of nosf. If the guide i wrote gave you more IAS than you needed for 7fps, then switch to dungos without hesitation as your main belt.
-2x of each absorb ring: your dex should be fine witout 40 from the rings, because you should have put extra into dex anyways, the sorb is an obvious reason to have these with you.
-Hotspur: switch on fire sorces
-1x dusk or BP enigma: this is rarely used, but when dueling pvp necros, youll thank god you have it.
a fire sorc fighting you when you wear umd kiras, 2x sorb rings, and hotspurs basically couldnt stand a ice cubes chance in hell against me. though i rarely did all that, because id kill them before they killed me with my normal gear on alone ~.~
5. Merc
ez, there is no merc.
6. Strats and other info
with this build, there has been very little that can beat me 1 on 1, but i will admit that there are somet hat cna beat me:
NOTE TO DUELING ALL CLASSES: your an amazon. you have a ranged weapon. Learn to use it. keep your enemy as far away as you can if at all possible, and learn to make every shot count [not saying shoot slow, just learn to aim well]
-Hammerdins: just stay out of ther ehammers, they are nothing to you, learn to run DOWN from them, not UP, and you will be fine, run down, shoot, run down, shoot, run down, shoot. just avoid the hammers. sometimes they are built tough, it will be a long fight, but you will come out with a flawless victory every time. even if a hammer DOES manage to dink you once or twice, thats why we have all maxed dodges and those passive skillers, i once tested how many hammers it took in a row to hit me, it was 5, and 3 succesful ones to kill me. with a 1:5 ratio of being hit, and needing 3 to actually kill me, hammerdins were EZPK
-Smiters: leave. u have about 90% chance of losing, but if you MUST try, get FAR away from them, try to get out when they arnt around, get them just to the edge of your arrow range, and let them have it, with a little luck there life will drop to Zero before they hit you with that damn smite, it DOES work, but it probably wont. if he gets too close, hit W to switch to your shield and make a mad dash for town.
-FOHers: there a riot, just put ur kiras on and let them have it there light damage wont do shit to you with those on, if u really wanna BM, wear your sorb rings.
-Bowzon: they will stay away from you just like you will. more than likely theyll have more life than you. try not to go 1 on 1 short range with them, because if every arrow hits you, youll probably lose. although i have Shot 4 shot many zons and won thanks to my passive, sometimes the dodges dont work [normally when you REALLY want them to -.-] and you will lose. keep them at distance, theyll more than likely do the same. this is where your aiming is very important, learn to shoot arrows beind them, watch them run,a nd shoot arrows infornt of them, cutting htem off and nailing htem with all u can. avoid there arrows, switch to your shield anytime your running to block those few that hit you [if any] its an easy match if you have skill with your bow. zons hated me because after a duel theyd say i pot'd because id have little to no life lost. yes i would get hit though, but thanks to all my dodges and my Sigons shield, it wouldnt mean squat.
-Javazon: theres 2 types of javazons, the type that will wipe the floor with you and the type that wont. normally, if there the crazy faceted javas, there going to eat you alive. with or without your res gear on.
the cheaper, weaker javazons though, will not touch you, there light damage wont do jack to you with res gear on, and youll mop the floor with them. and if its a FC javazon, dont bother. period.
Barb: barbs are all the same nowadays, the only difference is if they teleport or not. learn to zig zag around them, i can literally walk and doge every whirlwind a barb comes at me with, just run from him, and zig down, when he ww's, zig up and away, throwing a few arrows at him whenever you get a chance. its an easy duel as long as you keep your cool. barbs have and always will be an EZPK for this zon as long as your calm. but remmeber, if you get nervous your hand will get shaky, if your hand gets shaky your not going to dodge right, and if you dont dodge right, well, RIP.
Assasin: there has been VERY few assasins that scare me at all, and we will get to that.
-wwsin: treat them like a barb, nothing to be scared of.
-Trapsin: theres 2 types of these, the kind that hurt, and the kind that dont. most trap assasins are laughable, some with and some without your kiras / sorb rings on. theres been times when i walk strait into a trappers hut of traps and completely obliterated them, just because the lightning does jack shit to me, thent heres been times that i have to have kiras on, but i still did the same thing, walk in the middle of there saftey zone and rape them, then theres the GOOD trapzns. youll want to treat them like a real enemy. dont get too close to those traps, run in large circles around the traps so they dont hit you, but instead shoot beind you, because they DO hurt. there still an easy foe, just dont get cocky and think you can tank the lightning, avoid the stunlock as well.
Necros: theres 2 builds for a necro, there the exact same, only one uses summons.
NOTE: this is where the Enigma comes in, wear it any time you duel a necro.**
SummonBone necro: there nothing to be scared of as long as you have the enigma on.
A necro fights the same every time, they come out teleing, bone wall you, and spam spear and spirits on you.
1. every chance you get, throw out multi shot in there direction, itll be a nice lvl with your gear on, giving you around 7-10 arrows going torrward him,t his is to deplete his army and make him vulnerable, it wont tak ebut a few shots to do it.
2. when he bone walls you, he'll be farely close, teleport out, and nail him with as many GA's as you can while dodging his spears, he wont expect you to have an enigma, so he WILL run, so hit him all you can before then.
**Funny story: i discovered the love of the enigma ina duel, i always hated pvp necros because once i was bone walled, i was ****ed. they were on the list of "run for your life if they come" enemies until one day i bought a dusk enigma REALLY cheap witha spare HR i had on my zon. id idnt xfer it cause i was lazy, and one day i fought a bone necro, he wiped the floor with me [yes, its true.] and i got pissed cause he was talking shit "LOL SHIT ZON, WORST IVE EVER SEEN", well that pissed me off and without thinking i was alreayd putting the enigma on, next time i went out, he came right up to me with a bone wall ready to kill me and talk more shit, then i teleported. you literally could tell he was spazzing out because of how he was teleporting [not going anywhere fast, kinda teleporting in the same place and in circles] i wiped hte floor with him ezpk and he left without a word, it honostly made me feel really good
Moral of the story: with enigma on, PVP necros are absolutely no challenge.
Druids: only 2 kinds of druid, so this method works perfect for the one that can actually be hit.
-Summonado/nado druid:
1. when they come out, run away from them [granted sometimes its not necessary, if ur lucky you can destroy his summons before he reaches you], launching multi shot at them every chance you can, avoid the tornados at all cost right now. your goal is to kill off his summons, MAKE SURE TO KILL THE OAK SAGE.
2. once you have his wolfs and spirit guy [life giver] killed, hesnothing, just avoid the tornadoes by dodging a bit and let him have it. when he comes in to nado you, pummle him with arrows. it should be a very easy victory.
-Town druid:
dont bother, hes not coming out, cant hurt him.
there you have it folks, the zon to beat all zons [and nearly every other character]
i know ive been out of the D2 loop for a while, so ill introduce myself
im Dragn, i have played diabloII and diabloII: LOD for well into 6 years now, ive been a dueler for nearly all that time, and my favorite character has been, yes, the amazon.
i havnt played diablo in months, and doubt ill ever have the urge to play again like i used to [until D3 comes out, god willing] so im going to share exactly how i built my zon.
me and a good friend of mine [Cota-God] dueled together for a long time, and we both perfected our own zons, well today im going to share some of the secrets to mine.
i have tried making just about every zon you can think of, trying the best stat combinations, skill combinations, and gear, and what im about to share is what ive discovered to be the best. Me and Cota-God were probably two of the best [if not the two best period] zons in USEast. The following was my build:
Note: This is not cheap gear for the most part, and i dont have many second options, so try your best to get everything i list.
1. Stats:
Strength: you want to try and get as LITTLE strength as possible, ive always had to put a bit into it, but never put anymore than you absolutely need. make sure that you have all your gears +str stats calculated in.
Dex: this is where me and cota differed, i prefered higher dex than life, he prefered higher life than dex. its all because of the bows we prefered. Every extra point goes in here.
Life: lee always liked more than me, as i leveled my character, i woudl watch how much total life she had, once she hit the 2k mark (including BO), i would put less into it [maybe 2:1 or 3:1 dex life ratio. Get 2k life, then decide how much you want, personally i dont think i ever went above 2.5k life w/ bo on
mana: if u put 1 point in here, ill personally slap you.
there was no set stats i had in my zons, every one i made was a bit different, but they all had the same idea, 2.x life, and the rest dex.
2. Skills
obviously, you will mix match ur skills as you level, not maxing one out before the other, but pumping up one until your next skill becomes available [ie putting into crit strike until you can start maxing out Guided arrow]
(base skills)
Guided arrow - Max
Multiple shot - 1 (i believe its a pre-request anyways)
Dodge - Max (second dodging skill to max)
Avoid - Max (first dodging skill to max)
Evade - Max (last skill to max period, have 1 into it until the rest of your skills are finished, or you cant put anymore points into skills listed due to lvl restraints)
Crit strike - 16
Penetrate - 1 (yes i know its rarely ever needed, but it helps with the multishot, besides, youll have alot of skills left over if your a high leveler)
Pierce - 1 (once again, helps with multi sometimes, especially in PVM)
3. Gear
ive tried multile types of gear, and this is what i decided was the best combination i could ever find.
Helm: Shako (40ed/15ias socket): yes i know, shako? wtf? well the +skills, mana, life, and +stats are effin godly. face it, and trust me.
Amulet: Cats eye: the IAS is godly. nuff said.
Armor: Dusk shroud Fort : the ED and resistance are a must. dusk is best because its a fast armor with nice defense, try and get a 500+ def dusk to make it out of
Bow: Faith Mat bow (15/2/3/330+) weak damage i know, but your faster, lee liked Grand mart, but i prefered mat, i deal less damage but i hit alot faster. i did want to try a grand matr bow before, and if you can keep the 7fps and find a way of not putting more str into your character to wear it, then by all means, get the GM faith, but i loved the Faith mat, it looked cooler to me too.
Rings: 2x 220+/20 ravens, the AR isnt really needed since ur using GA, but its nice to have
**Belt: Nosf's coil: IAS and slowed target, cant ask for much more
** ill have to edit my post after i check, but if im not mistaken with the guide i have here, you can have 7fps without nosf, so use Dungos instead. if you dont h ave 7fps with dungos, then use nofs [when u wear kiras its a good idea to switch to nofs to keep your FPS]
Gloves: Rare/crafted 20ias, +dex, +str, fire/cold res or bust| you can get some cheap ones without resistance and str, but i was wealthy, so i always strived for the best
Boots:15/15 treks (eth are beautiful), if your rich as hell and on USEast, Sspurs/gspurs/slips, or gore riders. they all do wonderfully, choose what you like most. my first zon used eth 14/15 treks and they were very good, second ladder season i used gores cause i could never find P eth treks, the gores were great imo, i loved the stats on them, but you can use what youw ant
Shield: Sigons shield (shael socket) +1 and with shael, GREAT blocking.
Weapon2: CTA flail, 6 bo is the most important aspect, but i had a P CTA so
Inventory: this is goign to be strange to alot of people, and i did this because i was too cheap [even though i had tons of wealth] to buy what i wanted, but i found a great counterpart, so i will put the charm section into 3 sections:
method 1: im cheap as hell
-1x Zon torch, stats dont matter, im cheap as hell
-1x anni, Stats dont matter, im cheap as hell
-5-9 passive GC's, plain, im cheap as hell
-0-4 bow GC's, plain, im cheap as hell
-10x SC's with res/dex/str, best i can get, but im cheap as hell
Method 2: Dragns setup:
-1x Zon torch, Perfect 20/20
-1x anni, 20stats, 1 off from P resistance [Perfect anni wouldnt hurt though
-5x Passive GC's, as many with +life, +str, +dex, or +fire/cold res as you can get [i forget how many of each i had, but i wore no plain Skillers]
-4x Bow skillers, as many with +life, +str, +dex, or +fire/cold res as you can get
-10x SC's: these were constantly being upgraded for me, as many 3/20/20's [or bust] as you can get, 20 life 5 res, 5fhr 5 res, or high psn damage will be fine
method 3: What Dragn Wanted:
-1x P zon torch
-1x P anni
-full inventory of 3/20/20's
sadly i never made this come true, i could never find a good deal and just didnt want to pay out the ass for 3/20/20's on ladder, though i could have afforded it, if im not mistaken i didnt do it because it woudl have broke my bank pretty badly.
4. stashed gear
-Um'd perfect Kiras: this, along with absorb of the elemnt your fighting, basically made people cry when they fought you. i could even tank fire sorces for about 4 shots normally [not including the 4 or so they had to throw between those succesfull shots because of my dodging]
-Verdungos: sometimes the Damage reduction helped, if im not mistaken i adjusted my gear a bit and was still hitting 7fps without my nosf coil, so i started using dungos instead of nosf. If the guide i wrote gave you more IAS than you needed for 7fps, then switch to dungos without hesitation as your main belt.
-2x of each absorb ring: your dex should be fine witout 40 from the rings, because you should have put extra into dex anyways, the sorb is an obvious reason to have these with you.
-Hotspur: switch on fire sorces
-1x dusk or BP enigma: this is rarely used, but when dueling pvp necros, youll thank god you have it.
a fire sorc fighting you when you wear umd kiras, 2x sorb rings, and hotspurs basically couldnt stand a ice cubes chance in hell against me. though i rarely did all that, because id kill them before they killed me with my normal gear on alone ~.~
5. Merc
ez, there is no merc.
6. Strats and other info
with this build, there has been very little that can beat me 1 on 1, but i will admit that there are somet hat cna beat me:
NOTE TO DUELING ALL CLASSES: your an amazon. you have a ranged weapon. Learn to use it. keep your enemy as far away as you can if at all possible, and learn to make every shot count [not saying shoot slow, just learn to aim well]
-Hammerdins: just stay out of ther ehammers, they are nothing to you, learn to run DOWN from them, not UP, and you will be fine, run down, shoot, run down, shoot, run down, shoot. just avoid the hammers. sometimes they are built tough, it will be a long fight, but you will come out with a flawless victory every time. even if a hammer DOES manage to dink you once or twice, thats why we have all maxed dodges and those passive skillers, i once tested how many hammers it took in a row to hit me, it was 5, and 3 succesful ones to kill me. with a 1:5 ratio of being hit, and needing 3 to actually kill me, hammerdins were EZPK
-Smiters: leave. u have about 90% chance of losing, but if you MUST try, get FAR away from them, try to get out when they arnt around, get them just to the edge of your arrow range, and let them have it, with a little luck there life will drop to Zero before they hit you with that damn smite, it DOES work, but it probably wont. if he gets too close, hit W to switch to your shield and make a mad dash for town.
-FOHers: there a riot, just put ur kiras on and let them have it there light damage wont do shit to you with those on, if u really wanna BM, wear your sorb rings.
-Bowzon: they will stay away from you just like you will. more than likely theyll have more life than you. try not to go 1 on 1 short range with them, because if every arrow hits you, youll probably lose. although i have Shot 4 shot many zons and won thanks to my passive, sometimes the dodges dont work [normally when you REALLY want them to -.-] and you will lose. keep them at distance, theyll more than likely do the same. this is where your aiming is very important, learn to shoot arrows beind them, watch them run,a nd shoot arrows infornt of them, cutting htem off and nailing htem with all u can. avoid there arrows, switch to your shield anytime your running to block those few that hit you [if any] its an easy match if you have skill with your bow. zons hated me because after a duel theyd say i pot'd because id have little to no life lost. yes i would get hit though, but thanks to all my dodges and my Sigons shield, it wouldnt mean squat.
-Javazon: theres 2 types of javazons, the type that will wipe the floor with you and the type that wont. normally, if there the crazy faceted javas, there going to eat you alive. with or without your res gear on.
the cheaper, weaker javazons though, will not touch you, there light damage wont do jack to you with res gear on, and youll mop the floor with them. and if its a FC javazon, dont bother. period.
Barb: barbs are all the same nowadays, the only difference is if they teleport or not. learn to zig zag around them, i can literally walk and doge every whirlwind a barb comes at me with, just run from him, and zig down, when he ww's, zig up and away, throwing a few arrows at him whenever you get a chance. its an easy duel as long as you keep your cool. barbs have and always will be an EZPK for this zon as long as your calm. but remmeber, if you get nervous your hand will get shaky, if your hand gets shaky your not going to dodge right, and if you dont dodge right, well, RIP.
Assasin: there has been VERY few assasins that scare me at all, and we will get to that.
-wwsin: treat them like a barb, nothing to be scared of.
-Trapsin: theres 2 types of these, the kind that hurt, and the kind that dont. most trap assasins are laughable, some with and some without your kiras / sorb rings on. theres been times when i walk strait into a trappers hut of traps and completely obliterated them, just because the lightning does jack shit to me, thent heres been times that i have to have kiras on, but i still did the same thing, walk in the middle of there saftey zone and rape them, then theres the GOOD trapzns. youll want to treat them like a real enemy. dont get too close to those traps, run in large circles around the traps so they dont hit you, but instead shoot beind you, because they DO hurt. there still an easy foe, just dont get cocky and think you can tank the lightning, avoid the stunlock as well.
Necros: theres 2 builds for a necro, there the exact same, only one uses summons.
NOTE: this is where the Enigma comes in, wear it any time you duel a necro.**
SummonBone necro: there nothing to be scared of as long as you have the enigma on.
A necro fights the same every time, they come out teleing, bone wall you, and spam spear and spirits on you.
1. every chance you get, throw out multi shot in there direction, itll be a nice lvl with your gear on, giving you around 7-10 arrows going torrward him,t his is to deplete his army and make him vulnerable, it wont tak ebut a few shots to do it.
2. when he bone walls you, he'll be farely close, teleport out, and nail him with as many GA's as you can while dodging his spears, he wont expect you to have an enigma, so he WILL run, so hit him all you can before then.
**Funny story: i discovered the love of the enigma ina duel, i always hated pvp necros because once i was bone walled, i was ****ed. they were on the list of "run for your life if they come" enemies until one day i bought a dusk enigma REALLY cheap witha spare HR i had on my zon. id idnt xfer it cause i was lazy, and one day i fought a bone necro, he wiped the floor with me [yes, its true.] and i got pissed cause he was talking shit "LOL SHIT ZON, WORST IVE EVER SEEN", well that pissed me off and without thinking i was alreayd putting the enigma on, next time i went out, he came right up to me with a bone wall ready to kill me and talk more shit, then i teleported. you literally could tell he was spazzing out because of how he was teleporting [not going anywhere fast, kinda teleporting in the same place and in circles] i wiped hte floor with him ezpk and he left without a word, it honostly made me feel really good
Moral of the story: with enigma on, PVP necros are absolutely no challenge.
Druids: only 2 kinds of druid, so this method works perfect for the one that can actually be hit.
-Summonado/nado druid:
1. when they come out, run away from them [granted sometimes its not necessary, if ur lucky you can destroy his summons before he reaches you], launching multi shot at them every chance you can, avoid the tornados at all cost right now. your goal is to kill off his summons, MAKE SURE TO KILL THE OAK SAGE.
2. once you have his wolfs and spirit guy [life giver] killed, hesnothing, just avoid the tornadoes by dodging a bit and let him have it. when he comes in to nado you, pummle him with arrows. it should be a very easy victory.
-Town druid:
dont bother, hes not coming out, cant hurt him.
there you have it folks, the zon to beat all zons [and nearly every other character]