phatfish_08 said:
I need a good dota strat and a good hero. I played my first dota game .06 last night. I tried to play it like a hero seige and got my ass handed to me. I was wonderin if someone could give me a good strat and a good hero. ty
:bouncy :doped
as you're a noob at dota, use zeus and keep stealing kills from your mates using your ultimate. To be more simplified, just press W when you see an enemy with low life
man, as a new player you should use ranged heroes, which require kinda less skill to be played. try using slayer: her spell called dragon slave is similar to a shockwave, the other one called light strike array is like a flame strike that stuns for a little period and her special ability is a OMFGWTFBBQ spell that pwns anything called laguna blade (i personally call it Kamehameha)
don't get her other spell called ultimate that increases attack rate, kinda useless at low levels... try going aghanim scepter / refresher orb / dagon / guinsoo scepter.
if you're having trouble with big ass tank heroes, like centaur or leoric, erm, well, you didn't own them enough early on and now you are DEAD, unless your team has got a permastunner char
slayers are GREAT hero killers, but require attention as thry are fragile and low armored. go aghanim scepter as 1st item always as the 400+ from it will be VERY nice early on.