DOMINION fantasy/war

Pains Requiem

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
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north carolina
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ok-i am currently awaiting the game DOMINION to start back up again-we are starting round 22 and their is a new round every 7 weeks. In about another day and a half the game will be up and running and i wont as many people here as i can to join us! Its kind afun actually, it more text/turned base-u create a army from 1 of about 12 races (which include humans orcs spirit lizardfolk undead and even merfolk and frostkin.) u can build builidngs which can reduce casualties in combat, raise ur platinum, gem, and ore production-and lumber production! u can even aquire mana to cast spells on other people! when the realm starts i will post a link as to whcih u can join and it will help benefit my realm (which includes me and about usually 10 other people)
there is YOUR dominion-which is what u control
there is the realm which has a number-made up of many dominions and each realm has a monarch who has special bonuses.
in dominion u can even fight other people to try and take their land! their is even a bit of a story that sometimes give attack bonuses. also each race has its own unique bonus and each unit has a different attack and defense value. if u want to know more about dominion either PM me or post here!

ok-the round is now open. if any would would just at least go to the link and get an account i would greatly appreciate it-u dont have to play if u dont want. this link just gives me free land.
also if u registered please post so i will no if anyone is actually using this. if not then after a while i can tell a mod to void this unless people are using this.

Pains Requiem

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
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north carolina
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sorry for double post but im trying to make this seen in the "veiw posts area". i wont do this again for this thread.

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