yea, pan... man... human casters own, i mean necs do there cripple and raise dead, a few priests dispell the skellies, sorcs slow and since the necs raising the dead, they wont have enough mana to cast cripple, unless you have some obsidians regenerating their mana, but still dispel magic kills skellies and then you would also have some heavy units, like knights and/or gryphon riders and then your heroes, like AM and BM killing the casters with flame strike and blizzard while UD would have... gargs and .... aboms or crypts? maybe that would kill the gryphs but they do huge damage and the knights with inner fire and healing would pwn the ground and spellbreakers would kill the casters. also you could get rifles/mortars and kill all the casters, humans own in general, especially with their casters