Anyone else have those weird ass dreams that totally mindfucks you then you wake up and freak out before you realize where you are?? Well yesterday I passed out in a chair at the beach and was having this weird ass dream about me being on the ship and I was ditching my work. Well I turn a corner and fucking batman is standing there he pulls out his grappling hook and fires it at me. I turn and run and like every other corner there's batman trying to shoot me with the damn grappling hook.
Well this went one for a few minutes until I jerked awake and the first thing I saw was this black man standing by me and I freaked and screamed like a girl before falling out of the chair and realizing where I was...
I hate those kind of dreams -.-
Well this went one for a few minutes until I jerked awake and the first thing I saw was this black man standing by me and I freaked and screamed like a girl before falling out of the chair and realizing where I was...
I hate those kind of dreams -.-