When and how did our skin and hair color change? We were all neadrothals in europe so huh?
But the color of the skin has nothing to do with the temperature of the air, cold or hot, but rather with the intensity of the sun. For exemple, how would you explain the skin color of the Innu people, who live in a cold, but sun extensive, environment ?Kuzmich said:[glow=red]Human race began in Africa and yes we were all white, but the climate was colder back then. Because for thousands of years people lived in Africa and the climate became warmer they had to adapt to a changing environment and became black. Its for that same reason why people from the colder habitat have a differently shaped nose then people from the warmer habitat. Its adaptation, which is genes altering themselves over millions of years in order for a specie to survive, almost the same as evolution, just a micro evolution, a different brunch of homo sapinse.[/glow]
[glow=red]Sun is also a weather condition, that means there isn't much precipitation going on in those parts. I agree with you on sun thing, its still adaptaion.[/glow]Black~Enthusiasm said:But the color of the skin has nothing to do with the temperature of the air, cold or hot, but rather with the intensity of the sun. For exemple, how would you explain the skin color of the Innu people, who live in a cold, but sun extensive, environment ?