Diablo 3

Should Diablo 3 Be created

  • Diablo 3 Yes

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • Diablo 3 No

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters


What would be the point of Diablo 3, Everone knows how easy LoD is, I mean Blizzard would spend 2 years thinking of a way to make it actually challenging.
Some of the new ideas i've read are very good like After you Reach lvl 99 You become "An Angel" After Baron/Champion giving you special attributes and only being able to duel other "Angels"
But It Angers me:mad: That bnet wishes to ban Maphacks, it makes the game 200% better to play, but i dont think goldhacks should be allowed, that gives people a Very unfair advantage.
When/If they do make D3 they Need to balance the PvP and PvM ratios, i See many Amazons running around Throwing a few guided arrows and Falling a Barbarian/Necromancer from 20 yards away.

If any of you are on D2 USEAST my user is //*GoDs-CrEatioN

Should They make Diablo 3 and What would they Call it? Yes/No


I like the angel idea, but its a real bitch to get 2 lvl 99 so they should make a a little bit more quicker 2 lvl like instead of 1million cow lvls for one lvl up it should be like 500,000.

They cant get rid of the map hack, thats just nutty.

i really like that angel idea. probably because its MINE!!!!!!!

but how many lvls would u need to go to get your wings? another 99 or just 10?


new chars?

so, do u think there should be more chars than the lod ones?

or perquil chars like tyrial or cain ect...

i think i read that some where

c'mon we really need a reply

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