What would be the point of Diablo 3, Everone knows how easy LoD is, I mean Blizzard would spend 2 years thinking of a way to make it actually challenging.
Some of the new ideas i've read are very good like After you Reach lvl 99 You become "An Angel" After Baron/Champion giving you special attributes and only being able to duel other "Angels"
But It Angers me
When/If they do make D3 they Need to balance the PvP and PvM ratios, i See many Amazons running around Throwing a few guided arrows and Falling a Barbarian/Necromancer from 20 yards away.
If any of you are on D2 USEAST my user is //*GoDs-CrEatioN
Should They make Diablo 3 and What would they Call it? Yes/No