dont buy diablo it kinda sucks. Buy diablo 2 before 1. if you already have diablo 2 and your tired of it then your screwed cuz diablo 1 gets old fast as a mother f u c k e r.
Im new to the forums but i thought i would warn this guy. If you are thinking of buying D1 prepare to walk everywhere! There is no running in d1.You will go crazy, and download hacks with in a week i garuntee it. Of course if you play online everyone hacks so there is no point anyway, but hey you get to kill a big guy named THE BUTCHER! peace
the butcher's fodder for my warrior. muhahahaha.....and he isn't hacked, either. oh, and walking diagonally makes you walk faster than any other way. of course, you can be an assbastard and download hacks. whoop.
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