i have attached the american version of ace's cow bot. now, here is a detailed step by step description of whta you do.
1) download the attached file
2) unzip the file into the bots folder of your d2jsp folder.
3) go into your scripts folder, and open default.d2j
4) change your default so taht it points to the script "acescowbot.d2j"
here is and example:
function main() {
switch(me.name) {
case "mfpkcowsorcer":
where "mfpkcowsorcer" is the name of your character. This is case SenSITIVE! caps matter!
5)open up d2jsploader.ini in your d2jspfolder (config file)
6) scroll down to the near bottom and change the gamename and gamepass to cow// with no pass or something.
7) go to the timings section and make sure that you have ingametime to a high enough number.
8)change the channel in your config file to a popular cow channel
9) change the spamming options in your config file also.
10) start d2jsp and hope that people will make cow games for you.
edit: sorry i forgot to attach. ill post next