Good to know.
However, I won't be going anywhere, so you'll have to learn to adapt to the rules I also have to follow, or things will just be annoying around here.
As I said in a post buried somewhere else, I liked cheeze. He was funny. But unforunately, I have no choice but to follow the laws placed by the US/Canada when it comes to running this forum. Outside of those rules, are the ones Chris posted, and then the Asylum which has it's own set of rules + the legal ones that we're all pretty much ordered to follow.
As for anyone else previously banned, they were banned for a reason. I have faith in my staff team that they will do what is right, and follow the guidelines that have been set up for them to follow. I also have confidence in the members of this community that they will stop with all the garbage and annoying hate-crap and start to post things of relevance and of benefit to the community.
I want to make this a community that people won't be afraid to sign up for. All the bad posts and such need to stop. All the hatred towards the staff and other members needs to stop. When it does, this community will grow. That I promise.