D3: Sin Wars(Idea)


Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Well, sure, D2 was open ended towards the future(we still have Belial and the other dude, Baal's soulstone is intact, Horazon is missing, Natalya is gone, heck!, the Worldstone being shattered alone means Diablo can continue.)
And that would be cool and all, but I think I'd much rather see Diablo III: Sin Wars obviously taking place back during the Ancient Sin Wars. The game would need a few more classes than it has now(and perhaps just scrap the originals from d2 and make like 10 whole new ones). Also the Male/Female option needs to be available for most classes. Obviously you wouldn't see a Male Amazon, but a Male Sorcerer or a Female Paladin would be just fine. Also, I think items need more balancing. In today's online economy, if you dont have the very best you don't have anything. Also the Rune-oriented nature is just very easy to get sick of. In my opinion Blizzard just cranked the power level up with runes and runewords making gems entirely obsolete except the occasional cube recipe-which quite frankly I'm sick of after Upgrading Arreat's Face only to have it LOSE 14 defense.
I think they need to make Jewels have a bit more oomph too since they're enitrely random, shouldn't they have more potential than the fixed power of runes?

Anyways, would have to see a lot more uniques(scrapping most of them since they wouldn't have existed back then), of course keeping Azurewrath as a findable item-or perhaps a Secret Quest-Reward.
I expect if they did this it would be a lot like Act 5 where you're placed really on the battlefront instead of slowly working your way through everything-occasionally you'd find a more mellow area(like act 1 or 4-ish). Also, I think they need to completely revamp synergies if they were included. And also, I think the game could use less Immunes-Sure it improves the challenge of it, but what if while playing single player for fun you find out you can now only kill 30% of the monsters? Well, you don't want to start over, what about all the time you spent?
Another thing I dislike is the limiting of 1 Socket on a unique, etc. I think as long as you want to blow some items in some zany Cube formula, go right ahead. However I would see with that condition that there wasn't simply a Socket Quest as that would be easily abused on the Realms.

Oh, and the ability to transfer items from character to character would be a nice addition-I realize this is a No Go as Blizzard personally dislikes trnasferring and muling.(basically you would click Transfer much like clicking Single Player or Battle Net and then you would Select the character to transfer from and the character to transfer to.); You would still need to transfer normally on the Realms.

Any other ideas you might want to add are welcome, I just thought I'd add my :twocents: before I headed off to bed for the nigh--er-morning


The best of both worlds
Jun 9, 2003
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They were going to have a stash for the whole account, but they decided to do away with that. They shoulda done it :(


Premium Member
Jun 28, 2003
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New york
I presonally think uniques should be a lot more...rare. A larger vartiety wouldn't hurt either. The thing with the gems is also pretty good but for what purpose would gems serve? Alls they do is add crappy stats...who needs 15% cold to attack?


Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Well yes, gems in diablo 2 were pretty bad, but I think my point is that they shouldn't have been. There was virtually no point in having them aside from a few horadric cube recipes.

And yes, Uniques should be more....UNIQUE. There ought to be a limited number of each one in my opinion. I know this would cause certain people to have the upper hand, but if there was a larger variety of uniques as well instead of the maybe 200 total uniques(most of which are complete garbage) that there are now, then people who had uniques could easily swap theirs with another person's. Also, this would more than likely lead to diversity in character builds, something D2 lacks to a point beyond it being at all funny.

I also imagine that with a more varied economy that battlenet should form a Trading Post type area where a person can type up what they have, what they're looking for, and their contact information so that it can be viewed by other players. This information would cycle each week so the post wouldn't get cluttered.

I also think the requirement to beat a mode on non-hardcore should be gotten rid of with Diablo III since it's kind of pointless. Beating normal doesn't mean you didn't die, or even that you beat it yourself, there should still be hardcore though in Diablo III, but it should be a free option from the start.

I'll post later with some of the character classes I think Diablo III should have.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 20, 2005
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you should also be able to choose between male and female characters


Jun 13, 2005
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united states pennsylvania
male female chars is awsome they could do it in a way that males have more vit str and females would have more dexterity and a = to vit n mana insted of being stacked on one side

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