D3 charas and modes


Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
hey im new at this so please dont bother.. i didnt want to post on anything but then i saw d3 and im excited.

I really think they should have about like 3 more characters cause it would be stupid to hav like 15 ppl round a fire.. :p

Also they should hav like 2 new acts and at least 1 new mode...(like death or sumtin like dat)

They also MUST hav new items (duh) and definately a bigger skill tree.. id also like them to have new attributtes and more skill points and stuff like dat..
(it be relly kool to go ova lvl 99 :))

Plus they should hav a new menu screen dat shows like a pally in da chaos sanctury..

And lets not forget bnet.. itd be awsome to be in 2 channels at once.. also they should hav a veryyy diff join/chat screen.
I hoe u like my ideas..:)


New Member
Jan 7, 2006
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Diablo 3 should be like diablo 2 in some ways

I have read alot of the forums and this is what i think. First of all, IT SHOULD NOT BE ANYTHING AT ALL LIKE W.O.W! Personaly i dont like wow at all, all you do is run around doing other peoples chours. I like in diablo how it has a few quests but alot of the game is just killing. on the whole 2D vs. 3D i think it should stay 2D. why? well because 1. you can see around you better. 2. it doesn't take up as much bandwith on a server then 3D games do so less or no lag. and 3. it would keep the same diablo theme. all it needs are just some better graphics, more charicters, and mabey an act more and they are set.


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