Hey i need a bot program,
You can download d2loader from this:
D2Loader Download
And you can download Zpickit from here:
Zpickit Download
Once you have downloaded them both do the following steps in order for Zpickit to work:
1. Unzip the D2Loader file
2. Move the "Plugin" Folder, Diablo II .exe file, and d2hack.script into your diablo directory. (Rename the Diablo II .exe file if you want your normal .exe to remain so you can easily switch between the two, in order words so you dont copy over your original file)
3. Now you have d2loader installed: Easy enough
4. Now unzip the Zpickit file
5. Move the zoid.dll, Zoid config file, and zpickit config file all into your "plugin" folder that you have already placed in your diablo directory.
6. Now Zpickit has been installed: Once again easy
Now I'm sure you'll want to edit the items Zpickit picks up so you can either:
a. Do it manually in the zpickit config file
b. Use a program to make the editting process a breeze, RECOMMENDED
One such program can be found here:
Configurer Download
Just hit download (Little red face, yah kinda hard to spot

) Agree to terms and throw the Config file into your plugin folder and edit w/e u want the zpickit to pick up.
That should do it. If you have any questions feel free to ask.