ok i was wondering what is a good mf value to have in meph and maby on merc and what to use to get good shit and i have d2jsp YAMB edited by MM and every time i go to act one or start there it always goes to gheeds and just keeps clicking him and icant get that to stop cuz i wana do countess runs
any way to make that go away or something
// NOTE: modified by mm: bot will ALWAY gamble to gheed and continue until no money.
YAM_ShopIt = false;
YAM_GambleIt = false;
YAM_AlwaysGamble = false;
YAM_GambleMinGold = 3500;
YAM_RandomNPC = false;
YAM_AlwaysGoToHealer = false;
YAM_AlwaysRepair = false;
YAM_AlwaysAkara = false;
YAM_AlwaysCharsi = false;
YAM_VisitGheed = false;
YAM_AlwaysOrmus = false;
YAM_AlwaysMalah = false;
YAM_AlwaysLarzuk = false;
YAM_VisitAnya = false;