I have some questions about d2jsp, Fist: How do i switch the d2jsp from doing pindle runs to the meph runs without messing up any shit and still make it run good. Second: If i keep my comp on and let it do the runs and come back from when i wake up will i not be able to log back on bnet for one day like with the other mephbot i used from 's site? Post here
:fencing :fencing
Third: Will My bot be discovered botting using d2jsp bot for like say the whole night by blizzard and they will temp ipban/perm ipban me from bnet? :lucifer
Fourth: Does the bot automaticilly pick up gold/repair without me having to config? And does it automaticcily pick up anything really good like a wf and gf?
Fifth: How come my sorc doesnt buy pots when it runs out?
Sixth: How come if i fail to join a game my d2jsp loader gets stopped and I have to manually start it up again?
:fencing :fencing
Third: Will My bot be discovered botting using d2jsp bot for like say the whole night by blizzard and they will temp ipban/perm ipban me from bnet? :lucifer
Fourth: Does the bot automaticilly pick up gold/repair without me having to config? And does it automaticcily pick up anything really good like a wf and gf?
Fifth: How come my sorc doesnt buy pots when it runs out?
Sixth: How come if i fail to join a game my d2jsp loader gets stopped and I have to manually start it up again?