[13:13:32] INI Successfully Loaded. 1 Diablo Instance will spawn.
[13:13:32] 1:Loading Diablo II
[13:13:55] 1:Attaching D2Hackit.
[13:14:02] 1:Logging into
[13:14:21] 1:You are connected on Realm: USEast
[13:14:21] 1:Selecting character
[13:14:36] 1:Creating Game #0
[13:14:52] 1etected an Error Message on Diablo II hwnd, killing d2 process.
[13:14:52] 1iablo II hwnd disappeared, reloading.
[13:15:25] 1:Loading Diablo II
i get this whenever the game starts. what gives?
The first time a got it to work thuogh. But after killing pindle it said "like not enough gold" er sometin like that, than started killing all the zombies in the courtyard. Can anyone please help.
[13:13:32] 1:Loading Diablo II
[13:13:55] 1:Attaching D2Hackit.
[13:14:02] 1:Logging into
[13:14:21] 1:You are connected on Realm: USEast
[13:14:21] 1:Selecting character
[13:14:36] 1:Creating Game #0
[13:14:52] 1etected an Error Message on Diablo II hwnd, killing d2 process.
[13:14:52] 1iablo II hwnd disappeared, reloading.
[13:15:25] 1:Loading Diablo II
i get this whenever the game starts. what gives?
The first time a got it to work thuogh. But after killing pindle it said "like not enough gold" er sometin like that, than started killing all the zombies in the courtyard. Can anyone please help.