I dunno of any instance when maphack was EVER private (maybe in the begining) but isn't keeping maphack for 1.10 beta private sorta against what mousepad has been doing all along. He made all other version public for the general public, warns people about hoax sites with virii, but yet the wankers at d2jsp are gettin their rocks off thinking they are "uber" because "they have something we don't have, neener neener neener". Sounds sorta weak too me. Not like it gives anyone an edge lol oh no single player and tcp chaos!!!...*shakes head* my rant is over. The peeps at d2jsp need to give their heads a shake too. Remember what team they are on, last time I checked they didn't have a "Blizzard North" logo on their shirts. But oh well gogo maphack 4.7j