Okay i'll try and break things down as much as possible.
Start by downloading all the programs you need, d2 hackit, d2hackit companion, and whatever modules.
Extract all of these files into one file having the loader, d2hackit and the .d2h files all together.
I suggest putting this on your desktop.
Start by turning on DiabloII, logging on battle net and joining a game.
Press alt tab, go to your file with d2hackit stuff and double click loader.exe.
Return to diabloii and there should be a message either on screen or in your message log confirming that d2hackit has started.
To load whatever module you want you type .load 'name' without the .d2h ending.
Example if you want to load module snuff.d2h
Type .load snuff
if you need help with a specific module and its functions type .(module name) help
Example .snuff help
That should explain everything clearly...
Btw you should probally redownload hackit and the modules, maybe yours are out of date your you lost a file or something....
Go to
www.diabloworld.com they have everything you need. very newbie friendly site.