1. Download D2HACKIT
2. Unzip or extract the files from the d2hackit.zip (or whatever its called) into a new folder. To make a new folder right click on your desktop and click new then a new side window will pop-up then click folder and a new folder will appear.
3. Open up the folder you just extracted into, there may just be one folder in that one, so open it also.
4. Put any module that you download into the folder that has the filr Loader.exe. U probably cant see the exe partit will just say Loader and it has an icon like a big white box.
5. open diablo 2 or d2 exp
6. pres alt + tab(this will make you go into windows)
7. Open the folder with loader.exe and double click it
8. now press alt+tab again or click the minimized diablo 2 on the bar at the bottom of your screen(this will bring you back in the game)
9. now type .load <Module you want loaded> Example .load zpickit
it will say zpickit loaded and thats how you do it.
I made this as simple as i possibly could so if you cant understand it I don't think me or anyone else can help you.