when i hit cancel it just sits and says
[17:59:53] MyChar:Waiting for other threads to start Diablo II
[17:59:53] MyChar:Loading Diablo II
[17:59:53] MyChar:C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -ns -lq -res800 -nonotify -skiptobnet -title "MyChar"
[17:59:53] MyChar:Unknown or standard Diablo II.exe Loader detected
then it will wait a little bit and say
[18:00:14] MyChar:Attaching d2jsp.
[18:00:14] MyChar:C:\Program Files\d2jsp v0.33\d2jsp.dll
[18:00:14] MyChar:Using old attaching method, try to use Game.exe instead of Diablo II.exe
[18:00:15] MyChar

2 window not found
[18:00:15] MyChar:*** Could not find a non-used Diablo II window. Either load failed, or your delay is not set high enough.
[18:00:15] MyChar:Aborting thread
meh i have no clue why it won't load