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l33t 0n3

Aug 12, 2002
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D2 JED Info

FROM SLICK AND WHIPPY (Bumped up for viewing)
If anyone has a site to host JED on please contact Misterwhippy

Official Site - all documentation

Official Release Thread
Official Scripts Thread

How to set up D2Loader - with file
Running multiple JED's - with file

Installation Readme
JEDi Master Configuration
Uninstalling JED

Bug Reporting


Okay, there have been some questions about why we included this and I guess it's a valid question if you haven't thought about it much. Please allow me to explain some of the reasons:

Avoid "Bot" Behavior - When you get a RD while playing you try a few times more then give up and do real life things. This mimicks that. Nobody but the most hopelessly insane would sit there and retry at the exact same inteval. If Blizzard/Battlenet ever start looking outside the box this is one of the likely places to detect bots.

RD Recovery - There are conditions that cause the RD not to go away till you actually disconnect for a time. That's the reason for the 25 minute timer.

Statistics - We log the RD detection in the status log so in the morning you can go look and see why you only had X runs in 8 hours.

The timer is not "no games in 5 minutes" but it uses the "game Leave Timeout" and a value based on your last successfull game creation to determine if you are having issues creating a game. if that extends past a calculated period it assumes you are RD or have other connection issues. Either way, killing Diablo and taking a 25 minute break is in order.

If you are having issues with it not working correctly then by all means turn it off on the "Advanced Settings" tab.

l33t 0n3

Aug 12, 2002
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JED 2.01a released Feb 6, 2003

if you downloaded 2.01, please redownload this as it fixes filter scripts and the option to have realm down protection on or off

JED 2.01 released Feb 5, 2003

Please download from the official link here or directly from the Downloads section of http://jed.diabloworld.com

  • Realm Down Detection
    If no game has been joined for 5 minutes, Master will kill the Diablo session, throw up a notice that a Realm Down condition has been detected and countdown 25 minutes, then restart.
  • Log Performance
    Large log files (over several megs) exhibited severe performance issues when reloading. These have been addressed and improved.
  • Item Filters
    Added support for magic rings and amulets, updated current filters with missing prefixes/suffixes and added in the charges variables.
  • Program Checks
    Things that caused issues before like not selecting a script have been addressed. Some checks occur before starting a game and appropriate warnings are generated.
  • Timers
    The game timers, leave timeout and such did not allow a time long enough to perm characters with a mule script. Changed the data type and increased the field length.
  • Performance Changes
    Addressed some code callbacks that were causing occasional crashing
  • Install Changes
    Reworked the install so to avoid the errors of some OS not registering .dll files

Big thanks to the AA Team [Avarice and Aennor] for addressing all of our concerns so quickly!



Diabloworld is incredibly proud to bring you JED v2.0

Authored by smoke and developed by the DW Programming Team, JED 2.0 has been developed for excellence in botting and safety for your account.

v2.0 has lots of great features! Here are some of the changes.

JEDi Master
  • New EXIT button, so you can choose Start | Stop | Exit - no need to restart JED when you want to pause it!
  • Away | Channel - you decide if you want to use them or not
  • Game Limits - Choose Max Games or Max Minutes to run JED and exit upon completion
  • Drop down script selection
  • Read your pickit.log directly from JEDi Master
  • Save every configuration!

  • Smart randomization to evade Blizzard's scanners
  • Autoheal from your belt - no pots in your inv
  • Merc Support - be good to your friend!
  • Smart obstacle detection and evasion
  • Act detection and warping - don't be stuck in the wrong act!
  • AI Pathfinding - get anywhere you want to go! [Sorc's only supported in this release]
  • Gold deposit - never get caught full!
  • Stashing - fill your stash, not just your inv
  • Pickit.jed - the smart way to grab your items
  • Outstanding item filtering - keep what you want of ANY item type
  • Error logging
  • Quit game on javascript error - keeps you alive!
  • Script Includes - you only need to write your attack sequencing and add in the #include files, and your script is set to go! Official includes work like modules for your script, so it's faster to edit any part of your script, and when updates on the main file are made.. you are only replacing one or two parts of your script
  • Theforce - the great online stats viewer. View the number of runs you have done, kills, deaths of every boss, immunities, the last 4 drops and more.
  • JEDi Knight - replace notepad with this custom made Javascript Editor. This easy to use editor will make script writing easier and cleaner.

Default Scripts
  • AA_PindleZon - Pindle/Shenk/Eldritch/Zombies
  • AA_PindleSorc - Pindle/Shenk/Eldtrich
  • wwbaba - Pindle [cigamit]
  • AA_MephSorc - Meph
  • Blues_CountessSorc - Countess
  • DoLoc - output your position
  • DoRoom - output the room number you are in

  • Online interactive documentation
  • Comprehensive scripter documention
  • Full include scripting documentation
  • Online access to all MPQ values and filter definitions

  • Build your pickit-items.jed online with this easy interface
  • Saves your last pickit-items.jed as your default
  • Excellent default script
  • Add any item to pick up and filter

  • http://jed.diabloworld.com - interactive recources
  • Quick stop for news, updates, and secondary downloads
  • Links to all important and pertinant threads

... there's just so much

On to the files!

We recommend that you download directly from this THIS LINK

Padawan Learner is not longer necessary, so one file and you are good to go!

After installation, we recommend that you go through the Installation Readme to step you through the new scripts, pickit.jed and item filtering

Configure your pickit-items.jed online at MyPickit

You can edit the item filtering files while you JED! When you save, the next run will automatically have your new configurations.

Please note that old scripts will not support any of the new features. We strongly recommend that you start fresh

Use http://jed.diabloworld.com for all of your Online Documentation - including the Installation Readme

When all else fails, please refer to the JED Link Archive for fast reference to important threads.


l33t 0n3

Aug 12, 2002
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I see so many people who want to know how to edit their pindle scripts to do pindle only, or to change spells. this is going to go over all of that, and only that. if you cant figure out how to use this bot in the first place, please stop reading...now.

OK lets get started. In the JED folder you'll see a folder called javascripts, open it and youll find a bunch of scripts. im going to assume that your using a sorc (it really doesent matter this'll be the same for all the scripts pretty much) open up the script you want to edit in notepad, ill use the script AA_pindlesorc for this.

when you open it at the top you'll see this:
// =====================================================================
// Configurable Sorceress Pindle Script with Randomization
var version = "0.93a RC2";
// Last Updated: 8:17 AM 1/4/2003
// Designed for JED
// Author: Avarice and Aennor


Print(CBrown + "Loading settings for " + COrange + Player.Name + CBrown + ".");

// Do not change these
var defenses = new Array();
var defensestotal = 0;
var skipthese = new Array();
var skiptotal = 0;
var eldritch_attack_seq = new Array();
var eldritchattacktotal = 0;
var shenk_attack_seq = new Array();
var shenkattacktotal = 0;
var pindle_attack_seq = new Array();
var pindleattacktotal = 0;
var zombie_attack_seq = new Array();
var zombieattacktotal = 0;

^ignore this this isint what you need to edit.

right under that youll see this:
/// Configurable Parameters ///
/// heal_life - Anything below this will go to Malah for healing ///
/// heal_mana - Anything below this will go to Malah for healing ///
/// rest_mana - After fighting Eldritch or Shenk you will regen ///
/// your mana to this number before continuing to make ///
/// sure you have enough for teleporting ///
/// health_chicken - If you have less life than this you will either///
/// use a potion if you have one, or if not exit ///
/// mana_check - If this is set to true you will use a potion or ///
/// exit if your mana falls below mana_chicken ///
/// mana_chicken - If you have less mana than this you will either ///
/// use a potion if you have one, or if not exit ///
/// UseEnchantments - If this is set to true you will check the ///
/// enchantments on a monster before fighting and ///
/// decide whether or not to skip them ///
/// skipthese - This is the array of enchantments to skip over ///
/// Example: var skipthese( ///
/// new enchantment("Stone Skin", 0), ///
/// new enchantment("Lightning Enchanted", 0) ///
/// ); ///
/// EnchantmentsShow - Set this to true if you want the monsters ///
/// enchantments printed to the screen ///
/// PindleAttack - This is the attack sequence to use when ///
/// fighting Pindle ///
/// Example: ///
/// PindleAttack("skill name", repetitions, optimum range, delay), ///
/// PindleAttack("Nova", 5, 10, 400) ///
/// ///
/// pindle_repeat_after - Set this to the number of the attack ///
/// seq to repeat after until Pindle is dead ///
/// eldritch_attack_seq - This is the attack sequence to use when ///
/// fighting Eldritch ///
/// Example: See pindle_attack_seq ///
/// eldritch_repeat_after - Set this to the number of the attack ///
/// seq to repeat after until Eldritch is dead///
/// shenk_attack_seq - This is the attack sequence to use when ///
/// fighting Shenk ///
/// Example: See pindle_attack_seq ///
/// shenk_repeat_after - Set this to the number of the attack ///
/// seq to repeat after until Shenk is dead ///
/// zombie_attack_seq - This is the attack sequence to use when ///
/// fighting the zombies in Pindle's courtyard ///
/// Example: See pindle_attack_seq ///
/// reposition - Set this to true if you want to ensure you are ///
/// close enough to hit the monster with your attacks ///
/// use_merc - Set this to true if you want to have your merc w/you ///
/// merc_heal - Use potions on merc ///
/// merc_chicken - If the merc has less life than this you will try///
/// to drop a potion on him/her ///
/// potionType - Set this to the full name of the type of potion you///
/// want to fill your belt with if they drop ///
/// repair_level - Set this to a decimal value 0 - 1 to set the ///
/// percentage of durability at which you will repair///
/// Example: var repair_level = .3 ///
/// This means you'd repair items that have <30% durability ///
/// doEldritchRun - Set this to true to kill Eldritch ///
/// doShenkRun - Set this to true to kill Shenk ///
/// doPindleRun - Set this to true to kill Pindle ///
/// doZombieRun - Set this to true to kill the Pindle courtyard ///

these are very detailed instructions on how to edit the script. they are very good and will tell you anything you dont understand (most people cant work the bot because they didnt bother to read the damn README!)

REMEMBER: true/1 = yes, false/0 =no

ok right under that is the good stuff, the editable stuff, the fun stuff.

var heal_life = 800;
var heal_mana = 700;
var rest_mana = 5;
var health_chicken = 225;
var mana_check = true;
var mana_chicken = 5;
var UseEnchantments = false;
var EnchantmentsShow = true;

SkipEnchantment("Conviction", 1);
SkipEnchantment("Fanaticism", 1);
SkipEnchantment("Lightning Enhanced", 1);

this sets it so you heal at malah when you enter a game with less then 800 life, and 700 mana. you will chicken the run with under 5 mana and 225 life. (mana check would use a mana potion) then it tells you weather you want to use enchantments, if there a bad enchantment, IE lightning enchanted, it will skip the run, this part of the example script is NOT using the enchantments.

DefensiveSpell("Frozen Armor", 1, 0, 700);
DefensiveSpell("Thunder Storm", 1, 0, 700);

EldritchAttack("Static Field", 2, 10, 500);
EldritchAttack("Nova", 2, 10, 500);
var eldritch_repeat_after = 1;

ShenkAttack("Static Field", 2, 10, 500);
ShenkAttack("Nova", 8, 10, 500);
ShenkAttack("Static Field", 3, 10, 500);
ShenkAttack("Nova", 2, 10, 500);
var shenk_repeat_after = 2;

PindleAttack("Frozen Orb", 2, 10, 750);
PindleAttack("Static Field", 2, 10, 500);
PindleAttack("Frozen Orb", 1, 10, 750);
PindleAttack("Nova", 2, 10, 500);
var pindle_repeat_after = 2;

ZombAttack("Nova", 2, 10, 500);

these are your spells, if you want to change a spell go here to get the correct formatting of the name of it http://jed.diabloworld.com/mpq.htm ok if you only want to do pindle then only edit the PindleAttack spells and defensive spells. if you have no defensive spells then remove that part of the script. (IF YOU DONT HAVE A DEFENSIVE SKILL THAT IS ON THE SCRIPT YOU WILL GET CONNECTION INTURRUPTED UPON ENTERING RED PORTAL) ok was that easy enough? probably not but if you dont get it read that box with the ///'s around it itll explain it.

var reposition = true;
var use_merc = true;
var merc_heal = true;
var merc_chicken = 50;
var potionType = "Full Rejuv Potion";
var repair_level = .3;

reposition helps the bot position you to optimum killing range.
use merc is weather you want to have a merc or not (set to false if you dont want one) if you want to heal your merc with a potion from your belt then its true. the number below it tells the bot when to use a potion for hte mercinary.
var potionType = "Full Rejuv Potion"; tells the bot that if there is space in the belt it should pick up any full rejuvis. the next is repair level (buggy doesent repair)

var doEldritchRun = false;
var doShenkRun = false;
var doPindleRun = true;
var doZombieRun = false;

that makes it only do pindle, which is what everyone wants.

thats the end of editable things, unless your a good scripter, in which case you wouldent be reading this.

you need lightning resist to do pindle, it helps. I recomend using an act one merc with skullders shako and a cruel bow, so it gets lightning arrow. I use tals armor, belt, and ammy (good resistances, and +skills) and occy, rhyme sheild, and shako. war travs, chance guards, and 2x occy rings. lots of MF and life charms. I never die. i do get levels from pindle. post questions/comments/corrections (hey its 4 AM i might have messed up) below.

l33t 0n3

Aug 12, 2002
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I ran out of space so im going to post the finished stuff so you can see what it should look like.

// =====================================================================
// Configurable Sorceress Pindle Script with Randomization
var version = "0.93a RC2";
// Last Updated: 8:17 AM 1/4/2003
// Designed for JED
// Author: Avarice and Aennor


Print(CBrown + "Loading settings for " + COrange + Player.Name + CBrown + ".");

// Do not change these
var defenses = new Array();
var defensestotal = 0;
var skipthese = new Array();
var skiptotal = 0;
var eldritch_attack_seq = new Array();
var eldritchattacktotal = 0;
var shenk_attack_seq = new Array();
var shenkattacktotal = 0;
var pindle_attack_seq = new Array();
var pindleattacktotal = 0;
var zombie_attack_seq = new Array();
var zombieattacktotal = 0;

/// Configurable Parameters ///
/// heal_life - Anything below this will go to Malah for healing ///
/// heal_mana - Anything below this will go to Malah for healing ///
/// rest_mana - After fighting Eldritch or Shenk you will regen ///
/// your mana to this number before continuing to make ///
/// sure you have enough for teleporting ///
/// health_chicken - If you have less life than this you will either///
/// use a potion if you have one, or if not exit ///
/// mana_check - If this is set to true you will use a potion or ///
/// exit if your mana falls below mana_chicken ///
/// mana_chicken - If you have less mana than this you will either ///
/// use a potion if you have one, or if not exit ///
/// UseEnchantments - If this is set to true you will check the ///
/// enchantments on a monster before fighting and ///
/// decide whether or not to skip them ///
/// skipthese - This is the array of enchantments to skip over ///
/// Example: var skipthese( ///
/// new enchantment("Stone Skin", 0), ///
/// new enchantment("Lightning Enchanted", 0) ///
/// ); ///
/// EnchantmentsShow - Set this to true if you want the monsters ///
/// enchantments printed to the screen ///
/// PindleAttack - This is the attack sequence to use when ///
/// fighting Pindle ///
/// Example: ///
/// PindleAttack("skill name", repetitions, optimum range, delay), ///
/// PindleAttack("Nova", 5, 10, 400) ///
/// ///
/// pindle_repeat_after - Set this to the number of the attack ///
/// seq to repeat after until Pindle is dead ///
/// eldritch_attack_seq - This is the attack sequence to use when ///
/// fighting Eldritch ///
/// Example: See pindle_attack_seq ///
/// eldritch_repeat_after - Set this to the number of the attack ///
/// seq to repeat after until Eldritch is dead///
/// shenk_attack_seq - This is the attack sequence to use when ///
/// fighting Shenk ///
/// Example: See pindle_attack_seq ///
/// shenk_repeat_after - Set this to the number of the attack ///
/// seq to repeat after until Shenk is dead ///
/// zombie_attack_seq - This is the attack sequence to use when ///
/// fighting the zombies in Pindle's courtyard ///
/// Example: See pindle_attack_seq ///
/// reposition - Set this to true if you want to ensure you are ///
/// close enough to hit the monster with your attacks ///
/// use_merc - Set this to true if you want to have your merc w/you ///
/// merc_heal - Use potions on merc ///
/// merc_chicken - If the merc has less life than this you will try///
/// to drop a potion on him/her ///
/// potionType - Set this to the full name of the type of potion you///
/// want to fill your belt with if they drop ///
/// repair_level - Set this to a decimal value 0 - 1 to set the ///
/// percentage of durability at which you will repair///
/// Example: var repair_level = .3 ///
/// This means you'd repair items that have <30% durability ///
/// doEldritchRun - Set this to true to kill Eldritch ///
/// doShenkRun - Set this to true to kill Shenk ///
/// doPindleRun - Set this to true to kill Pindle ///
/// doZombieRun - Set this to true to kill the Pindle courtyard ///

var heal_life = 800;
var heal_mana = 700;
var rest_mana = 5;
var health_chicken = 225;
var mana_check = true;
var mana_chicken = 5;
var UseEnchantments = false;
var EnchantmentsShow = true;

SkipEnchantment("Conviction", 1);
SkipEnchantment("Fanaticism", 1);
SkipEnchantment("Lightning Enhanced", 1);

DefensiveSpell("Frozen Armor", 1, 0, 700);
DefensiveSpell("Thunder Storm", 1, 0, 700);

EldritchAttack("Static Field", 2, 10, 500);
EldritchAttack("Nova", 2, 10, 500);
var eldritch_repeat_after = 1;

ShenkAttack("Static Field", 2, 10, 500);
ShenkAttack("Nova", 8, 10, 500);
ShenkAttack("Static Field", 3, 10, 500);
ShenkAttack("Nova", 2, 10, 500);
var shenk_repeat_after = 2;

PindleAttack("Frozen Orb", 2, 10, 750);
PindleAttack("Static Field", 2, 10, 500);
PindleAttack("Frozen Orb", 1, 10, 750);
PindleAttack("Nova", 2, 10, 500);
var pindle_repeat_after = 2;

ZombAttack("Nova", 2, 10, 500);

var reposition = true;
var use_merc = true;
var merc_heal = true;
var merc_chicken = 50;
var potionType = "Full Rejuv Potion";
var repair_level = .3;

var doEldritchRun = false;
var doShenkRun = false;
var doPindleRun = true;
var doZombieRun = false;

this isint the whole script, only the top part, it should look somthing like this.

l33t 0n3

Aug 12, 2002
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Ok, now youve gotten the scipt done, and you want to edit pickit without having to use mypickit online. easy.

go to the jed folder, open the javascripts folder, then open the include folder, then the item filters folder and youll see a file called pickit-items, open it in notepad.

youll see stuff that looks like this:
// Unique Grim Helm
PickitItem("xh9", "Vampire Gaze", 2, "UNIQUE", 1, 0, 2, 1);
the first number is weather you want it to pick it up or not
1= yes 0=no
the second number is if it has sockets or not
0=any number (should always be this)
1-6 represent the number of sockets it should have
(this option is so if you wanted to you could tell the bot to pick up a 6 socket hydra bow)
the next number tells you if the item is etheral or not.
0=no, 1=yes, 2= either way
the last number is weather you want the drop logged
0=no 1=yes

there ya go. easy as that. happy JED'ing.

l33t 0n3

Aug 12, 2002
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By Zyrk

I have created a program that creates and configures a pickit.ini for you. It's very simple to use, simply unzip all the files into the same folder and run pixit.ini. It will ask you if you want to pick up specific items. Simply press "y" for yes and "n" for no. It's as easy as that. Once you're done, place the newly created pickit.ini in the same directory as your pickit program and run pickit.

No, it's not a keylogger, hack, anything like that. I don't have the time or patience to hack you. If you're scared that I'm lying, don't run the program while you're logged into D2 or while you're connected to the internet. I'll post the souce code if anyone wants it. It's in C++, by the way.

Well, that's about it. If you have any comments, questions, etc., feel free to email me at... he does not want it up no more.

Happy Hacking!

P.S. I have received several emails asking about pindlebot. I am no pindlebot expert, please don't ask me about it, this is not a pindlebot thread, this is a pixit thread. not pindlebot. thank you
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