BattleForums Addict
Looking for a preview on CZ? well dont come here, this is the full version of single player for CZ. its a damn big download. but its worth the wait.
24/7 connection...youll need it...big download...
This site connects you to a chatroom, it then puts a code on your clipboard for copy and paste, when your in the chat room paste what it gave you and it will either put you in a line, or download the file. The line wait may be long but people sometimes quit.
http://www.*********.com/search.php?kw=condition+zero -click the #games-apps chat room pack #2!
24/7 connection...youll need it...big download...
This site connects you to a chatroom, it then puts a code on your clipboard for copy and paste, when your in the chat room paste what it gave you and it will either put you in a line, or download the file. The line wait may be long but people sometimes quit.
http://www.*********.com/search.php?kw=condition+zero -click the #games-apps chat room pack #2!