Andrewp30 said:
ahhh. every1 on these forums are stupid. screw this site. you guys have no brains. at least on edge of nowhere people can think!
I can think.
You want a duep?
I giebbar duep.
You'll need d2hackit and sniffer.
Load sniffer...
Drop the item you want duped.
Sniff 13 and click your stash.
Note the last four hex sets shown (XX XX XX XX).
Now, sniff 16 and pick up the item.
Note the last four hex sets shown (YY YY YY YY).
Now, you'll want to stand by the stash with the item still in your cursor and type:
.send 4402000000XXXXXXXXYYYYYYYY03000000
What this will do, will is actually store the item in a fake buffer inside the stash.
Now, you can use packet 0x19 to remove the item from the buffer.
Open your stash and type:
.send 19XXXXXXXX
Now, here's the trick... the server sees the item as being stored in the orifice... but it's actually stored in a fake buffer. So, you can keep sending that 19 packet and just keep on duping them.
And here is the catch... this only works on PERM 1.08 items because of the lack of item tags.
Enjoy. :grunt