Countress works a little bit different than most monsters. Reason for this is she drops two different kinds of items.
For the sake of this, lets assume you are killing Countress in hell mode. When she is killed in hell she has two different drops. We will call these Drop X, and Drop Y. Drop X will always be a rune. Drop X is limited, and will never be higher than a Lo rune. Drop Y however is different. Drop Y usually is an actual item. However drop Y has a small chance to be another rune. Drop Y is not limited at only bieng a Lo Rune.
Drop X will always be a rune, but having Drop Y become a rune is a super super tiny chance. Now when it does become a rune (In that very low chance) It could become any rune. Even a zod.
When a rune drops in the game, it calculates the chance of it bieng anywhere from El, bieng the highest chance %.Zod bieng the lowest chance %. Than it is spawned in the game.
Or you can always transmute your El's to get a zod:
(But do look here first)
Basically my point. If you end up finding a zod in general, you are lucky. Now if you find one off countress, you better go buy a lottery ticket too!
Hellforge is toped off at Gul rune.
As far as NM, I can't remember. But it is either Um, or Ist. Im leaning more towards Um. However it could be an ist as well.
Magius wrote:
Good luck finding Zod... You can get one for every 144,238 El's you will find... Odds are low.
Just assuming those were the odds in finding a zod. Chance both countress drops would be a rune would be far less than one in 10,000.
So your looking at 1,442,380,000 to mabie get a Zod.
Assume you do 1 run every minute (60 seconds)...
i play with blizz wrote:
wat is the highest rune drop from countress in hell and where the hell can I GET A ZOD RUNE???
Go trade for a duped one.