The pretty bizarre discovery has to do with a little guy that sits inside the Missile Turret as it spins round and round and round and... The man is barely distinguishable in game, but can be seen in the wireframe portrait in the game interface. He only exists in the Starcraft universe as about 20 pixels, but he is very diligent in his work, only getting to rest in the very rare case that a Protoss Observer sits above him during construction. You can see a more clear shot of the Turret guy here <http://warcraftxp.chol.com/_data/image_view.php?no=70717>.
The discovery of the little Operator has ignited some unnecessary controversy over "how come you can't Broodling Missle Turrets then!" or "How does he come out of the SCV that makes the Turret!" We ask that you disregard these little Starcraft realistic fallicies and be sympathetic towards the real issue: his never ending spinning nightmare. How dizzy he must be
You can actually see the little guy in a small Gundam mech armored suit of some sort if you look closely and don't blink, as he is constantly spinning.
The pretty bizarre discovery has to do with a little guy that sits inside the Missile Turret as it spins round and round and round and... The man is barely distinguishable in game, but can be seen in the wireframe portrait in the game interface. He only exists in the Starcraft universe as about 20 pixels, but he is very diligent in his work, only getting to rest in the very rare case that a Protoss Observer sits above him during construction. You can see a more clear shot of the Turret guy here <http://warcraftxp.chol.com/_data/image_view.php?no=70717>.
The discovery of the little Operator has ignited some unnecessary controversy over "how come you can't Broodling Missle Turrets then!" or "How does he come out of the SCV that makes the Turret!" We ask that you disregard these little Starcraft realistic fallicies and be sympathetic towards the real issue: his never ending spinning nightmare. How dizzy he must be
You can actually see the little guy in a small Gundam mech armored suit of some sort if you look closely and don't blink, as he is constantly spinning.