ok well now i can connect to east but i cant connect to west still! any help?
edit: ok i went to blizzard.com to figure out problem and this is what they said
Windows users should go to My Computer, C:\ drive, and open the tracert.txt file. If you see any of the following items (listed below) in your trace route for any of the entries, you may need to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and provide them your trace route information. Once the information has been submitted, it may take several days for the problem to be identified and resolved. Remember that Blizzard Entertainment can only ask your ISP to fix an issue; the best results come when you contact your ISP directly.
Items that may indicate a problem with your Internet connection:
Timed out's
* symbols
If the number value before the ms appears to jump around from low to high a lot or if the numbers stay at high values.
when i looked up the thing in th C:\ i had a whole bunch of *** (stars) and some numbers with MS at the end? and i still cant connect to west realm? and it also said requested timed out??? plz help me out??