Just saw this thread on blizz hackers and wondered if anyone here has got it to work? Here are the instructions:
Credit for this dupe goes to Shodokan123.
You need: 6 Zon's with poison jav and slow missile, Necro with high level bonewall/poison nova and an ass load of mana, a willing mule. (You don't HAVE to have 6 Zon's but the more the merrier. The idea is to make as much lag for as long as you can)
1) Zons/Necro/Mule all go into the same game.
2) Necro bone walls the hell out of the Blood Moore (sp?). You need a LOT of bonewalls. Also, don't box in the Zon's, if possible.
3) Zon's poison javs the hell out of the bone walls, also cast slow missile. The necro also poison nova's the bone walls.
4) The combination of all this causes major server side lag.
5) Once the mules ping hits a huge rate, somebody else logs into the mules account.
6) Select the char the mule is using.
7) Attempt to join the game the mule is in. You should get 'Failed to join'.
8) Keep trying to get in untill you get 'Game does not exist'. The game is now de-synched.
9) Mule outside of game makes a new game, drops all the stuff.
10) New mule picks up the stuff. Save and exit.
Credit for this dupe goes to Shodokan123.
You need: 6 Zon's with poison jav and slow missile, Necro with high level bonewall/poison nova and an ass load of mana, a willing mule. (You don't HAVE to have 6 Zon's but the more the merrier. The idea is to make as much lag for as long as you can)
1) Zons/Necro/Mule all go into the same game.
2) Necro bone walls the hell out of the Blood Moore (sp?). You need a LOT of bonewalls. Also, don't box in the Zon's, if possible.
3) Zon's poison javs the hell out of the bone walls, also cast slow missile. The necro also poison nova's the bone walls.
4) The combination of all this causes major server side lag.
5) Once the mules ping hits a huge rate, somebody else logs into the mules account.
6) Select the char the mule is using.
7) Attempt to join the game the mule is in. You should get 'Failed to join'.
8) Keep trying to get in untill you get 'Game does not exist'. The game is now de-synched.
9) Mule outside of game makes a new game, drops all the stuff.
10) New mule picks up the stuff. Save and exit.