Meh...i was wondering on closed bnet if +ED works for smite damage? i'm pretty sure it does on open since people are always talking about having low screen damage but high real damage... etc if i had a knights paladan shield that i used with smite and my smite damage on screen was 200 and the knights gave me 51% ed then would i have 302 max damage?
EDIT i was wondering how cold peirce-cold mastery worked? with items you can get it up to 180 percent (well more but thats pretty easy) but if it doesn't peirce cold immunes (which it should since its more then their resistance...) then what exactly does it do? does it simple give you a better chance to do full damage to a non immune (etc your blizzerd does 1k damage and the nightmare undead has 30% resistance(i dont really know i'm just making this up for the example) you would do 700 damage but because of cold peirce you do the full 1k?) exept for when you run in to cold immunes which then cold peirce becomes void and doesn't effect them.