Can someone compile D2hackit to macintosh format? .. this part is a repost for everyone to see since I posted early this morning (1:23am or somthing).
Alright first off, there is no maphack or any hack of any sort for macintosh
closed the only thing close to anything useful was KaneBot which had for a short period of time then vanished and the bot doesn't work anymore. Now, If anyone feels up to it.. or feels really generious.. Maybe you could make at least a maphack that will be compatiable with macintosh computers. Now, your going to say well why don't you just buy a windows computer.. I can't afford it, I'm basicly living on food stamps.. its really sad. I get mod kicked from games alot, MH prevents this. I believe that alot of people who use macintosh want a MH. I would myself attempt to make one if someone could direct me to a good site that provides information on making something like this for macintosh, but if anyones feeling up to this or can do it would help me and tons of other people out. (Or make D2Hackit for macintosh that can load the mods.. that would rule.) eh. Anyone feel like making it......... anyone?
Alright first off, there is no maphack or any hack of any sort for macintosh
closed the only thing close to anything useful was KaneBot which had for a short period of time then vanished and the bot doesn't work anymore. Now, If anyone feels up to it.. or feels really generious.. Maybe you could make at least a maphack that will be compatiable with macintosh computers. Now, your going to say well why don't you just buy a windows computer.. I can't afford it, I'm basicly living on food stamps.. its really sad. I get mod kicked from games alot, MH prevents this. I believe that alot of people who use macintosh want a MH. I would myself attempt to make one if someone could direct me to a good site that provides information on making something like this for macintosh, but if anyones feeling up to this or can do it would help me and tons of other people out. (Or make D2Hackit for macintosh that can load the mods.. that would rule.) eh. Anyone feel like making it......... anyone?