Community Maps


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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I have decided to start an event for Warcraft III:Frozen Throne called the Battleforums Community Map.

We will begin a map and divide it into sections. One person works on landscaping, another on triggers, another on units, and another on Heroes.

Depending on the map we may have 2 or 3 people doing each one.

Someone else will need to start this map, because I'm busy at the moment, but we will make a number of maps as a community, and people on Warcraft III: Frozen Throne, will know a BF amp when they see it!

-Frank :cool:


May 18, 2003
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My house
Sounds kool, i'm in to help with landscaping units and custom heroes and stuff, triggers isn't my style.

So now that your planning to do this, your going to need an idea for the map so... I say we make something that people will notice out there, to get started off. Dunno what though.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Yeah, I would suggest possibly an RPG, if we did that though, perhaps it could be a later project.

I enjoy using Cinemas and crap, and I like experimenting, however, I'm busy with other things at the moment, so I won't be able to do so.

-Frank :cool:

l33t 0n3

Aug 12, 2002
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im VERY good at indoors (castles etc) terraining and Very good at skinning and decent at spell editing and Very good at skill/hero balance aswell as ideas. I'll do any of the following.


May 18, 2003
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My house
Well since nobody gave an idea on what to do, and i don't think an RPG would be good to do right away I saw we make a new, but VERY original TD?

Say we could do this:

Mass TD - There would be a long line going up and down the center of the map, one the sides each player would have buildings that would let them research LOTS of different towers (we would have to take the time of making them all equal)
the map would look something like this:

-**- | -**-
-**- | -**-
-**- | -**-
-**- | -**-

the -**- are spawn points, units would spawn like crazy then run into the center and rush downwards. As long as we could make sure lag didn't get too high the map would be interesting.

Notes: Players would have a 'tower limit' equal to 10+ .5 per level they are on, the stronger the tower, the more population they would need. Would make for some interesting defenses. + less mazing and more strategy needed.

The minute the units from one spawn point are all out of the spawn point, 1 super version of that unit would spawn per second until all the original units are dead, then the next level would start right away.

You wouldn't get gold from killing enemies, you would get gold in this manner:

(Level # + 10) - number of towers you have) + the number you get from everyone else, would be given to all the players.

So if there were there players:

P1, level 15 - 14 towers = 1
P2, level 15 - 8 towers = 7
P3, level 15 - 9 towers = 6

So each player wuold get 14 gold for this level.

There could also be heroes to aid people, your hero would level up and down depending on how many towers you have, the less towers, the higher your hero. (I can't remember if you can set heroes max lvls to 20? But I think so..) Heroes would automatically get 4 auras and no other skills, the aura lvls would go up and down with the heroes level.

Then there would be bosses (gotta have em!) They would spawn at the top of the map, and rush towards the bottom, they would be extra fast, extra armored, 2x stronger than the previous level, every 5 lvls probly.

My idea of levels:

1 - normal
2 - normal
3 - normal
4 - normal
5 - boss
6 - normal
7 - fun level! Things like
8 - normal
9 - flying

etc. Every 5 is a boss, every 7 is fun, every 9 is flying. Armor would go:

- light
- medium
- heavy
- fortified
- hero

to make sure people don't block, there would be a timer on each level, if the timer got to 0 before all the units got to the bottom, any units still on the map would explode damaging all towers in a medium sized radius.

Just my 2 cents, hope someone likes em. (took me 30 minutes to write that crap!!)


May 18, 2003
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behind my pc
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i like making cin 2. im not great at skinning damn photoshop never listens to me. first i CAN copy/paste a piece of the skin without edits THAN it sais its empty !?!?!?!!?!?!!???!??! fckthng!

i can make pretty terrains but only small scale. like prettey doodads and stuff. i am pretty good at triggers but no king. and thats boring :) lets w8 till 1 has a good idea ( i am not fond of td anymore,sor mate ;)) i suggest enfo kinda map. only other pathing spells heros etc. not like the cheap clone of clan iron


May 18, 2003
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My house
Well since nobody liked that previous idea, i'd like to revive an old idea of mine:

Creep Wars - (I know this is retarded but oh well):

Idea: You are a hero, you get only 1 spell, one aura per hero, teams auto assign themselves in-game so people cannot team up with the best players, it's random. When the game starts you pick a hero (each hero gets an aura, and an item that goes with the aura, vampire aura, u get some weird item that steals from enemy)

Then, the map is a series of paths of osme kind dunno what, there are 6 'creep stores' around the map, each is equipped with creeps with a special power. In the cneter of the map, inside a forest, is a creep store with extremely powerful creeps inside.

Players get a little bit of money from kills, but not enough to gain anything worthwile, you get your main money from harvesting trees with certain creeps you buy, there is obviously a limited supply of trees on the map, so best win quickly.

Dunno if this is a cool idea, i just think it would be relaly fun and retarded :D, and retarded means more people will play it!!


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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A) I think there is a creep wars already

B) I love your first idea tass, only problem would be the immense amount of lag, that wouldf lag too much. Modify it a little bit, and it will own.

-Frank :cool:


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Aight, sounds good, I'm in shcool Geometrey!

I feel so stupid

-Frank :cool:


May 18, 2003
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My house
Ok here it is "Mass TD (Remake 1)"

Same idea, new stuff to keep the lag in the gutter.

Mass TD

General: The map is one long line with small pathways going around to the sides. The game has a few timers, one for each player in the game. Each player has their own 'section' (one of the 10 boxes surrounding the map, each of these sections timers is set up a bit differently.

When the game starts, it randomly waits 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40 seconds before starting your timer, no more than 2 playes will have the same timer startup.

The map i redid is very differnt from the previous one

Those are the main sections, there is one for each player (except grey) grey has this:

(* means its a base zone, any dashes and slashes are spawn points)

Now the aim of the game:

Units would spawn like crazy in your spawn zone, then rush towards the center of the base (any units that arrive in the cfenter start attacking you, so mazing is necessary to survive) Then, after about 20 seconds of letting you shoot the enemy units, they will all instantly move into the way left side of greys base, he then uses towers on the walls surrounding this area, and towers at the way right side to destory these units. (NOTE: grey also gets mass units attacking him, but his lvls of units are always 1 behind other people, and these dissapear into oblivion instead of rushing towards the right)

Any unit reaching the complete right of greys base takes away -5/-10/-50 gold depending on unit type (air -5, ground -10, boss -50)

When boss spawn, they spawn one per persons base, do not attack, and then go to greys base all at the same time (they spawn at the same time also)

This map would lag much less than the other, now towers and upgrades:

Each player must have atleast 1 gold at all times to stay in the game, any player who loses that gold is forced to leave their towers are destroyed and their base stops spawning.


There would be like in other games, about 8 types of towers, doesn't matter what they are, but they should be split into catagories:

Tower Type 1 - Good ground, Good air, No "specials"
TT 2 - Bad ground, Good air, Specials that deal extra to air
TT 3 - Good ground, Bad air, Specials that deal extra to ground
TT 4 - Very good ground, bad air, splash
TT 5 - bad ground, Very good air, splash
TT 6 - bad ground, bad air, every tower has its own special (all cheap)
TT 7 - ok ground, ok air, speed
TT 8 - ok ground, ok air, damage

or whatever i don't really care...

Now, heroes. You would have a large selection of heroes, when you get your hero, he starts at lvl 2 with 1 lvl 1 aura.

You would have a 'pop cap' on towers, 10 minimum + 1 per lvl, and also since some types of towers need to be mazed (things like splash towers and stuff, these towers would cost less than 1 pop). Then, the more towers you have, the lower lvl your hero would be, if you had 10% of your maximum pop of towers, you would have a lvl 9 hero. If you had no towers, he would be lvl 10 with 3 lvl 3 auras, and 1 final spell.

Also: Each creep attacking lvl that passes adds +5 to the heroes main stat, +3 to the other two.

So here are how heroes might work:

Lvl 1 - No auras, hero has minimal dmg
Lvl 2- 1 lvl 1 aura, hero has minimal dmg
Lvl 3 - 2 lvl 1 auras, hero has low dmg
Lvl 4 - 1 lvl 2 aura, 1 lvl 1 aura, hero has medium dmg
Lvl 5 - 2 lvl 2 auras, hero has mediocre dmg
Lvl 6 - 2 lvl 2 auras, 1 spell, hero has high dmg
Lvl 7 - 1 lvl 2 aura, 1 lvl 3, 1 spell, hero has splash dmg (give item that gives splash)
Lvl 8 - 2 lvl 3 auras, 1 lvl 1 aura, 1 spell, hero has splash and cold
Lvl 9 - 2 lvl 3 auras, 1 lvl 2 aura, 1 spell, hero has splash, cold, and immolation
Lvl 10 - 3 lvl 3 auras, 1 spell, hero has splash, cold, immolation, and 2 crowns of kings + hero can purchase tomes with money to increase dmg even more

But the downside with having a high hero is, maybe you would get half as much money from all kills?

Anyways, that was Mass TD Rewritten, hope someone likes it :).


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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I do tass, it seems you put a lot of thought into planning these things and I enjoy a person like that.

Kudos to you my frrend, my hat goes off to you.

-Frank :cool:


Premium Member
Jun 20, 2003
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Hey, i've been working on terrian for some games, adnd have let ppl download them off my site, they took a poll on if they liked the terrain or didnt and 327 said yes and 113 said no, BUT! alwayz a but, if you want to see an idea of my terrain skills Just ask me to post my a screenshot of my map (cant do it now, cuz im in comp lab at skool) or you could just e-mail me to send it to you, i have made maps that have excellent terrain, 2 of my favorite terrain maps are SPAWN TD, and BATTLE DOME (battle dome still under constructio with triggers, do ask me to help youm with this td and i will) I will prove it in a upcoming post,i wont double post, so....) just here to help.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Seriously people come on now...

-Frank :cool:


May 18, 2003
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My house
Some changes to the TD:

Same ground, same spawn system.

Greys base looks like this now:

The * are spaces for ONE tower, in a row this way grey has to use strategy and mixing of types of towers to get what he wants.

Changes to types of towers:

Choices - (Poison, Slow, Fast, Range, Fire, Splash)


Poison 1 - Lightly poisons enemy, poison lasts 4 seconds
Poison 2 - Higher damage, lightly poisons, lasts 5 seconds
Poison 3 - Faster speed, medium poison, lasts 5 seconds

Slow 1 - Slows enemy for 2 seconds, 5 attacks per minute 5-5 damage
Slow 2 - Slows enemy for 3 seconds, 8 attacks per minute 3-3 damage
Slow 3 - Stops enemy, 4 attacks per minute, 1-1 damage

Fast 1 - Fast, low damage
Fast 2 - Very fast, low damage
Fast 3 - Very fast, medium damage

Range 1 - Very long range, medium damage, 10 attacks per minute
Range 2 - Extremely long range, high damage, 12 attacks per minute
Range 3 - Infinite range, high damage, 15 attacks per minute

Fire 1 - Low immolation, Low damage, Small Splash
Fire 2 - High immolation, medium damage, Small splash
Fire 3 - Extreme immolation, high damage, small splash

Splash 1 - large splash, low damage 15 attacks per minute
Splash 2 - Very large splash, medium damage, 20 attacks per minute
Splash 3 - Very large splash, high damage, 22 attacks per minute


Cold 1 - Reduce movement by 20%, 30 attacks per minute
Cold 2 - reduce movment by 40%, 35 attacks per minute
Cold 3 - No movement lasts 3 seconds, 40 attacks per minute

Explosives have 1 attack per minute
Explosive 1 - Tower waits till an enemy comes close, then blows up doing .5x hp of enemy in a small splash
Explosive 2 - Tower waits till an enemy is 100 away, blows up doing .6x hp of enemy in a small splash
Explosive 3 - Waits for an enemy 150 away, blows up doing .6x hp of enemy, and a medium splash

Cannibal towers slowly consume an enemy
Cannibal 1 - enemy must be 200 away to start consuming, consumes 30 damage per second
Cannbal 2 - enemy must be 300 away to start, consumes 90 damage per second
Cannbal 3 - enemy must be 300 away, consumes 200 hp per second

Changes to heroes:

First off, the types of heroes:

- Range (6)
- Fire (2) good at doing large amounts of damage, in large areas quickly
- Blood mage
- Phoenix
- Ice (2) slowly damaging and slowing enemies
- Icicle Warrior
- Snow panda
- Summoning (2) summon helpers to aid your towers
- Archmage
- Crypt lord
- Melee (8)
- Main fighter (4) head straight into battle and take out as much as you can, quickly
- Berserker
- Beasmaster
- Death Knight
- Blademaster
- Auras (2) powerful spells that can help your towers by giving them auras that increase different things
- Death Ranger
- Mountain King
- Controlers (2) these fighters are quick at taking control of any situation, the harder to control with towers, the easier for these controlers to help out.
- Naga King
- Devil

These are only possible things that could be used... anyways, someone do terrain (see the bottom for more info.)

All for now, more soon.

Someone please do some terrain (6 bases in the star formation, one grey base and tileset)

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